Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

6.5.1 Facility Rental

Related MnSCU Board Policy: 6.7 Real Estate Transactions

Related MnSCU Board Procedure: 6.7.2 Use of College and University Facilities

Purpose: To provide a process for the reserving of campus facilities for Normandale staff.

Part 1: Reserving a Normandale Kopp Student Center Meeting, Multi-Purpose, or Banquet Room

Subpart A: Requests for facilities in the Kopp Student Center must be directed to the Student Center/Student Life Assistant at 952-368-8120 or by completing a Facility Request form online at

Subpart B: A three-business-day notice is required for meeting and conference rooms.

Subpart C: A minimum of 30 days prior to the event is required for multi-purpose and banquet rooms.

Subpart D: Recognized Student Clubs and Organizations room request are given priority in booking.

Subpart E: The first opportunity for staff or faculty to book a meeting in the Kopp Student Center for the following academic year will be April 2. Large staff and faculty events may be booked at any time.

Subpart F: If there is a conflict with the requested facility, and the organization representative wants to negotiate with the group who has the facility reserved, the Event Coordinator may contact the group who has the facility reserved and facilitate any potential negotiations.

Subpart G: Upon receiving the electronic confirmation, it is the responsibility of the organization reserving the facility to establish that the facility reservation is correct and complete.

Subpart H: Confirmed requests are processed by the Event Coordinator in the order they are received.

The Event Coordinator will:

  1. Meet with the group to discuss/finalize the event details. The room reservation will remain in a tentative status until that time.
  2. Confirm all reservation requests in writing via email.
  3. Discuss and coordinate audio/visual/technical needs, food and room setup information.

Part 2: Non-Kopp Student Center Facility Requests

Subpart A: Request for all non-Kopp Student Center space must be directed to (952) 358-8115 or

In your email provide the following information:

  1. A subject or group name for you meeting/event.
  2. Date of the meeting/event.
  3. Beginning and end time for the meeting/event.
  4. Number of people expected.

Subpart B: If you have I.T. needs, contact I.T. by using the Ask a Question tool in AskUs on the employee portal. Please note- all rooms have a whiteboard, computer, and projection system.

Subpart C: All catering needs must be coordinated through Lancer catering 952-487-8615. No outside food and beverage is allowed.

Subpart D: Setup, or special equipment needs must be requested by using the Ask a Question tool in AskUs on the employee portal.

Procedure History:

Date of Adoption:

Date of Implementation:

Date and Subject of Revisions:

Next Review Date: