Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

6.2 Latex Allergy and Fragrance Policy

Related MnSCU Board Policy:

Related MnSCU Board Procedure:

Purpose: To provide a work and learning environment as free of latex and environmental irritants from fragrance as possible

Part 1: Normandale Community College will strive to provide a learning and working environment as free of latex as possible for students and employees

Subpart A: Normandale will purchase latex free items when the option is available. This is especially important in the health science and laboratory science areas. Examples include, but are not limited to, gloves, stethoscopes and blood pressure cuffs. Latex free, powder free gloves are required for all groups using gloves on campus

Subpart B: Employees will be alert for latex products making substitutions when possible and alerting students and employees when applicable

Subpart C: Latex balloons are prohibited on campus, vendors such as caterers must abide by this rule as well as on campus groups

Subpart D: Normandale Community College’s Public Safety Officers, who are the college’s first responders, will maintain familiarity with sign and symptoms of latex allergies up to recognition and response in the event of anaphylactic shock

Subpart E: Students with documented latex allergies will be encouraged to contact the Office for Students with Disabilities if accommodations are required

Part 2: Normandale Community College will strive to provide a learning and working environment which reduces exposure to strong fragrances especially when individuals with fragrance sensitivities are present

Subpart A: Normandale will strive to increase awareness of the impact of strong fragrances on some individuals and consider fragrance when purchasing environmental cleaning supplies

Subpart B: Normandale will support individuals experiencing symptoms related to environmental fragrances. This support may include education of classmates and or co-workers, change of work location and review of air exchange in employee work area

Subpart C: Under the Americans with Disability Act, a total fragrance ban is not required in public buildings due to the difficulty of enforcing such a ban, rather, a voluntary reduction of fragrance is recommended.

Policy History: This policy is intended to promote environmental health for those experiencing sensitivities to latex and fragrances. Allergies to latex, a naturally occurring rubber, have been increasing in populations, primarily healthcare workers and persons requiring frequent surgical procedures, and manifest symptoms ranging from skin rash to (rarely) anaphylactic shock. Reduction of use of latex and powder gloves along with efforts to limit other latex products is needed to reduce risk and decrease latex sensitization and reactions. Additionally, persons with fragrance intolerance may experience reactions impacting their ability to remain in the work environment. Efforts aimed at minimization, avoidance and, when possible, removable of the irritant.

Date of Adoption: Established prior to 2011

Date of Implementation:

Date and Subject of Revisions:

Next Review Date: 2014-15

Supporting References:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services publication # 98-113 Latex Allergy; a prevention Guide (Obtained online at 3/1/2012)

Employees with Fragrance Sensitivity publication from the Office of Disability Employment Policy Job Accommodation Network, Accommodation and Compliance Series last updated 9/20/2011