Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

6.11 Naming College Facilities

Related Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Policy: 6.8 Naming Buildings, Sites and Common Areas

Related Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Procedure: Procedure 6.8.1 Naming Buildings, Sites and Common Areas

Purpose: The following guidelines are established to assure an appropriate reflection of the history of the institution as well as consistency, fairness, fitting recognition and good value in exchange for the honor and privilege of name association with a physical aspect of Normandale Community College.

Part 1: Sponsorship of physical property on campus through monetary gifts may occur:

Subpart A: To pay for all or part of a new campus facility or improvement; or

Subpart B: In conjunction with fundraising efforts on the part of the Normandale Community College Foundation to raise scholarship, program or unrestricted donations.

Part 2: A building may be named in honor of a donor, entity, or person that has made a significant contribution toward the mission of the college. In accordance with Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Policy 6.8.1, naming of an entire building, site or common area will be made only after consultation with the college community and approved by the Chancellor.

Part 3: Naming in recognition of distinguished service may honor a gift of time or talent that has had a significant positive impact on the College over an extended period of time. Consistent with Board Procedure 6.8.2, such honor shall not be recommended less than one year following the end of the individual’s service to the College. The President of the College, or a committee appointed by the President, is charged with determining whether the person proposed is worthy of the honor.

Part 4: Offices, lobbies, labs, classrooms, meeting rooms, and other college spaces may be available for donor recognition. Contribution levels will be determined based on size, location, and function and with gift levels approved by the President/Cabinet. Appropriate plaques or other recognition methods may be used to highlight the generosity of the donor. Pledges can be made over a maximum of 5 years, with a minimum 40% paid before recognition is made.

Part 5: The college President, may require that a background check be performed on a donor (living or deceased) or designee. If a background check is determined to be necessary, the donor (donor’s executor) or designee shall be required to sign an authorization allowing the background check.

Part 6: Should a named facility be destroyed due to forces of nature or changed due to renovation or construction, the President reserves the right to reevaluate continued recognition of the individual whose name is associated with the building or facility.

Part 7: The College President reserves the right to consider any and all factors regarding the privilege of name association with the physical aspect of Normandale Community College as particular acts and circumstances warrant. The College President reserves the right to withdraw the privilege of name association with Normandale Community College should future particular acts and circumstances warrant. The final authority for any naming, memorial or tribute decision rests with the President of the College. The guidelines set forth in this policy statement are not to be deemed all-inclusive.

Policy History:

Date of Adoption: 09/09/2010

Department Owner

Date and Subject of Revisions:

Next Review Date: