Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

6.12 Food

Related MnSCU Board Policy None

Related MnSCU Board Procedure None

Purpose: To maintain a safe and healthy environment, to protect facilities and furniture, and to create an environment conducive to the accomplishment of academic work, the College has adopted guidelines related to food on campus.

Part 1: Exclusive Rights of Food Vendor

Subpart A: Due to health safety concerns and contractual agreements, all food sold or served to groups on campus must be furnished by the College’s contracted food vendor.

Subpart B: Exceptions to this policy must have the approval of Director of the Student Center.

Part 2: Personal Consumption

Subpart A: This policy does not prohibit members of the campus community from bringing in food and beverages for personal consumption.

Subpart B: Generally, food and beverage consumption is at the discretion of the head of the area/facility or, in the case of a class, at the discretion of the instructor. See limitations to this discretion below.

Part 3: Limitations on Place

Subpart A: Employees may be restricted from consuming food and/or beverages in their work setting for work related reasons.

Subpart B: Restrictions on consumption may be imposed anywhere in the college for health and safety reasons or to protect facilities and equipment.

Part 2: Responsibility

Subpart A: Building Services is responsible for maintaining a safe and healthy environment and may determine restrictions on food and beverage consumption anywhere on campus to protect facilities and furniture.

Subpart B: Those personnel responsible for equipment that could be damaged by food or beverage spills may restrict consumption to safeguard equipment.

Policy History:

Date of Adoption: Established prior to 2011

Date of Implementation:

Date and Subject of Revisions:

Next Review Date: 2016-17