Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

6.4 Environmental, Health and Safety

Related Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Policy: N/A

Related Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Procedure: N/A


The purpose of this policy is to provide consistent information on providing a safe work place as well as setting high standards for environmental management and sustainability efforts.

Part 1: Budget

The College will set a budget that sufficiently addresses Health and safety as well as our efforts at environmental stewardship. Resources will be sufficiently allocated to address safety and environmental concerns. Protecting faculty, staff, students and visitors is top priority.

Subpart A: Identification of Safety and Environmental Standards and Requirements

Before a new program is operational in any of the following areas, the Campus Safety Officer will provide assistance and consultation to identify requirements to safely perform the task and ensure the proper safety equipment and staffing is in place.

  • Art
  • Biology
  • Building Services
  • Chemistry
  • Dental
  • Diet Technology
  • Nano- technology
  • Security

Subpart B: Material Safety Data Sheets

Material Safety Data Sheets provide health & safety information, chemical information, personal protection measures, handling precautions on chemicals in use on Normandale’s campus. The College will maintain this information both electronically and in hard copy form. This information can be accessed through the employee home page. This information will be reviewed annually. If a new product is in use this information should be submitted to Building Services.

Part 2: Electrical Safety

All electrical work at Normandale is to be performed under the direction of the Master Electrician of Record only.

Subpart A: Personal Protective Equipment

PPE is the responsibility of the College to provide for its employees. The College will provide at no cost all necessary PPE to Normandale staff. Please contact the Campus Safety Officer to ensure compliance at 952-358-8942. Each department will be responsible to budget foe these needs.

Subpart B: Fire Alarms and Sprinklers

The maintenance of fire alarms, smoke and duct detectors, and sprinklers is managed by the Building Services Department. At no time should any of this equipment be blocked or covered.

Subpart C: Small Appliances

Small appliances that are not commercially rated and UL listed are not allowed on the Normandale campus.

Extension Cords

The state fire code prohibits use of extension cords except as temporary power for a specific day only

Part 3: Supervisors/Department Heads

Supervisors have the following roles regarding the health and safety of their employees:

  • Providing the appropriate PPE to their employees.
  • Supervising staff to ensure that they are wearing the appropriate PPE.
  • Seeking assistance from the Campus Safety Officer to evaluate hazards and new procedures.
  • To ensure their staff attends mandatory safety training.

Subpart A: Department Heads

In addition to the above duties, the department heads are required to have in place a safety policy for students covering the following at the beginning of each semester:

  • Lab safety
  • Proper disposal of hazardous waste


The Normandale Administration will support the training of our staff by providing qualified instructors as well as time for staff to attend annual safety training. 100% participation is required of all department staff as a condition of their employment.


The campus safety plans are the Normandale campus policies for Health and Safety. These plans are located on the Public Safety home page and conform to OSHA standards.

  • Blood- borne Pathogens 29 CFR 1910.1030
  • Chemical Hygiene 29 CFR 1910.1450
  • Compressed Gasses
  • Confined Space Entry 29 CFR 1910.146
  • Employee Right to Know (ERK) 29 CFR 1910.1200
  • Fire Prevention Planning 29 CFR1910.38
  • Fork Lift Safety 29 CFR 1910.178
  • Hearing Conservation 29 CFR 1910.95
  • Impaired Fire Protection System
  • Lock Out/Tag Out 29 CFR 1910.147
  • Respiratory Protection Plan CFR 1910.143
  • Welding

Food in Labs is prohibited in labs or other rooms that store or use hazardous chemicals and biological hazards. Appliances used to store or prepare food should be clearly labeled.

Subpart B: Environment/Sustainability

Normandale now faces increased regulation the impact of our campus on the environment. Campus environmental policies are regulated by the following agencies:

  • Hennepin County
  • City of Bloomington
  • Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • 9 Mile Creek Watershed District
  • Seneca Waste Water Treatment Facility

Storm water Management

All Building Services and College employees will meet the conditions as listed in the Campus MS4 Storm Water Management Plan.

Hazardous Waste Management.

All campus employees who handle hazardous waste as part of their responsibilities will attend the campus provided training and meet the obligations listed in the Campus Hazardous waste

Sewered Chemicals

All sewered chemicals on campus must be inventoried annually. It is the responsibility of the Department Heads in all of our Labs to assist in providing this information to the Campus Safety Officer. This information is forwarded to the Seneca Waste Water Treatment Facility

Policy History:

Date of Adoption: 7/17/12

Department Owner:

Date and Subject of Revisions:

Next Review Date: 7/17/15