Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

6.13 Freedom of Expression

Related Minnesota State Board Policy: 6.7.2 Use of College and University Facilities

Purpose: To enable Normandale Community College facilities to be used primarily for the purpose of fulfilling the college’s mission of teaching and learning, while also encouraging the free exchange of ideas.

Part 1: Protection of First Amendment Rights

Subpart A: Members of the campus and outside community may exercise their First Amendment rights on the campus. The college will respect the rights of freedom of speech expression, petition, and peaceful assembly.

Subpart B: This policy is effective on the campus of Normandale Community College and on any other property or medium controlled by Normandale Community College.

Part 2: Time, Place, and Manner Restrictions

Subpart A: Normandale maintains its right to place reasonable restrictions on time, place, and manner of expression and prohibit any acts that are disruptive to the normal operations of the college.

Subpart B: Normandale reserves the right to locate any assembly so as to ensure the activity does not interfere with the normal operation of the college or interfere with the rights of others.

Subpart C: Normandale reserves the right to maintain a perimeter around speech activities to promote physical safety.

Part 3: Disruption of College Operations

Subpart A: Normandale maintains the right to determine if an act is disruptive to the normal operations of the college.

Subpart B: Any participant in a disruptive activity may face campus disciplinary action and, in certain circumstances, could also face criminal charges.

Policy History:

Date of Adoption: 2020

Department Owner: Dara Hagen/Jason Cardinal

Date and Subject of Revisions: 4/13/2020

Next Review Date: 1/21/2023