Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

6.10 Signs

Related Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Policy: NA

Related Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Procedure: NA

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to provide improvement, consistency and apply standards to campus signage.

Part 1: ADA Compliance

Normandale’s campus signing will meet all ADA standards as found in “Minnesota State-specific Accessibility Codes, Minnesota Accessibility Code – MAC, Minnesota State Building Code – MSBC, International Building Code. ICC/ANSI A117.1, Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines – FHAG.” They apply to heights, location and physical attributes of the sign including letter and number heights, raised tactile and Braille.

Part 2: Physical Appearance

All campus signing will meet the specifications set in the campus sign standard guidelines as approved by the campus signing committee, Building Services, Marketing and Senior Administration. Any deviation from this standard requires cabinet approval. Broken and damaged signs will be replaced as necessary in order to maintain a professional appearance of the College

Part 3: Budgeting

Sufficient funds to maintain campus signage will be budgeted for each fiscal year to maintain campus signing. Approved campus projects that impact signing should include enough funding to make appropriate sign and way finding sign changes. Large campus signing improvement projects will be budgeted for as a project. Funding for these types of projects will be determined by the Physical Plant Director and the Vice President of Finance and Operations.

Part 4: Temporary Signs

Temporary signs are to be up for a maximum of 30 days.

Part 5: Parking Lot Signs

These signs are regulated by state and federal laws with the exception of specialized campus signs. Any non-regulation sign is to be approved by the Vice President of Finance and Operations.

Part 6: Sign Requests

The proper steps to request a sign purchase should occur in the following order:

  1. Requests are submitted to Building Services through the Building Services “Schooldude” work order system
  2. Building Services will be in contact, obtaining the information and presenting it to our vendors.
  3. A “Mock up” will be ordered following campus signing standards and the information will be forwarded to the requestor.
  4. Approval from a Dean or Vice President will be requested.
  5. The sign will be ordered.

Policy History:

Date of Adoption:

Department Owner:

Date and Subject of Revisions:

Next Review Date: