Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

6.5 Facility Rental

Related MnSCU Board Policy: 6.7 Real Estate Transactions

Related MnSCU Board Procedure: 6.7.2 Use of College and University Facilities

Purpose: To comply with MnSCU procedure 6.7.2 as well as to provide a framework and standards for the use of the facilities for meetings and special events by internal and external parties.

Part 1: Conditions under which the college’s facilities may be rented.

All parties (internal, external and student groups) interested in hosting a meeting/event on campus are expected to follow the Campus Event Guidelines in order to preserve and enhance the primary function of the facilities, which are teaching, learning, student development and public service.  In order to preserve and enhance these primary functions, the use of College facilities for external groups will be limited to those entities with similar values and vision.

Part 2: Conditions under which the college’s facilities may not be rented.

Anytime the college determines that an event is inadvisable, illegal or impossible to occupy the facility, an agreement will not be entered into. If an agreement has been entered into and unforeseen circumstances occur that would make the event inadvisable, illegal or impossible to occupy the facility, the agreement may be cancelled. If Normandale is forced to cancel an agreement for any reason, the renter will be notified promptly and all sums of money including the security deposit will be returned to the renter.

Part 3: Rental and Service Fees

Rental Fees and additional charges, including service fees, are determined via a consultative process that includes student input and approval by the Cabinet. Rental fees can be found on the Normandale Host an Event website.

Part 4: Alcohol Use

See college policy 5.19 Alcohol Beverages and Other Controlled Substances.

Part 5: Smoking

See college policy 6.6 Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. 

Part 6: Property Damage

All renters will be responsible for any damages incurred during the use of any Normandale space.

Part 7: Certificate of Liability

Prior to occupancy users of the College shall provide evidence of adequate liability insurance coverage in the form of a certificate of insurance naming the State of Minnesota, by and through the Board of Trustees of Minnesota State Colleges and Normandale Community College, as an additional insured, prior to using or occupying a Facility. Licensee shall maintain this coverage at its sole expense during the use of this space.

Policy History:

Date of Adoption: Established prior to 2011

Date of Implementation:

Date and Subject of Revisions:

Next Review Date: 2014-15