Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

3.7.2 Student Request for Grade Review Procedure

Related Minnesota Board Policy: 3.8 Student Complaints and Grievances

Related Minnesota Board Procedure: 3.8.1 Student Complaints and Grievances

Part 1: Definitions.  For the purpose of Policy 3.7 and Procedure 3.7.2 the following definitions apply:

Appeal.  A request for reconsideration of a grade review decision under policy 3.7 and Procedure 3.7.2.

Grade Review.  A request for the review of a course or assignment grade based upon one of the following two reasons:

  1. There was a numerical or clerical error in the calculation of the course or assignment grade; or
  2. There was a departure in the method of grade calculation described in the syllabus or assignment instructions.

Retaliation.  Retribution of any kind taken against a student participating or not participating in a grade review.

Student.  An individual who is currently, or has been recently, enrolled at the college.

Part 2: Grade reviews

Subpart A.  Timeframe.  The request for a course or assignment grade review must be submitted prior to the end of the semester following the grade in question.

Subpart B.  Grade review process.

  1. The student must submit an Academic Student Complaint/Grievance form and identify Grade Review under Complaint Topic.
  2. Issues that do not meet the definition of a grade review should be filed as a complaint.
  3. Before submitting a request for grade review, students should discuss their concern with the faculty member. In cases where the concern cannot be addressed with this person, students may make an appointment with their supervisor (Dean).
  4. Students submitting a grade review will receive a response from a Dean within 15 business days.

Subpart C.  Appeals.

  1. If the concern is not resolved, students may appeal the decision to the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs.
  2. The Provost will communicate a decision within 15 business days of receipt of the appeal.
  3. The decision of the Provost is final.

Subpart D:  Review

  1. Requests for grade reviews will be reviewed every semester by Academic Affairs.
  2. The grade review process will be reviewed every semester by Academic Affairs.

Part 3. Retaliation Prohibited.  No retaliation of any kind shall be taken against a student for participating, or refusing to participate, in a complaint/grievance. Retaliation may be subject to action under appropriate student or employee policies.

Policy History:

Date of Adoption: Established prior to 2011.

Department / Owner: Academic Affairs

Date and Subject of Revisions:

3/12/2019 Updated MnSCU to Minnesota State; Updated Policy and Procedure number from 2.11 & 2.11.1. to 3.7 & 3.7.1 to align better with State of Minnesota Policy and Procedures; Part 2, the college has now established a procedure; formatting changes.


3/4/2024 Repeal.  Relevant grade review material has been added to Procedure 3.7.1.

Next Review Date: