Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

3.1 Admission to the College Policy

Related Minnesota State Board Policy: 3.4 Undergraduate Admissions

Related Minnesota Board Procedure: 3.4.1 Undergraduate Admissions

Related Minnesota Board Policy: 3.5 Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) Program

Related Minnesota Board Procedure: 3.5.1 Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) Program

Purpose: To provide clear, accessible information to students regarding admission requirements to the college as well as the appropriate level of academic preparation necessary for success in specific programs of study.

Part 1: General Admission

Normandale Community College considers all applicants for admission regardless of age, race, sex, color, religion, ethnicity, creed, disability, national origin, marital status, status in regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The college follows an open-door admission policy which means that any individual who has graduated from an accredited high school or successfully completed a General Education Development (GED) examination is eligible for admission.

Normandale Community College has taken steps to ensure that lack of English skills will not pose a barrier to participating in the application, admissions, and enrollment process. These include provisions for communicating with student services personnel, a well-defined information and referral process, and the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program.

Admission to the College does not automatically qualify a student for all college-level courses and programs. Some career and transfer programs also require special prerequisites and requirements.

Subpart A: Application Deadline. The application deadline for fall and spring semesters is ten (days) prior to the start of the semester. Applications and application fees received after the application deadline will be processed for the following semester.

Subpart B: Students Whose First Language is Not English. As a condition of admission, applicants whose primary language is not English, and applicants who have graduated from a high school where the language of instruction is other than English, are required to demonstrate English language competency.

Subpart C: Denied Admission. A student suspended from another college or university for academic reasons within a year prior to their application to Normandale will be denied admission. Notification of the denial of admission will be sent to the student with information about the appeal process.

A student who is currently suspended or has been expelled from another college or university for disciplinary reasons shall be denied admission.

Subpart D: Financial Holds. Students who have a financial hold at another Minnesota State College or University may be admitted to Normandale Community College but will not be allowed to enroll in courses until the financial hold has been removed.

Subpart E: Selective Health Science Programs. Nursing, Dental Hygiene, and Dietetic Technology programs have established selective admission criteria that reflect the probability of academic and employment success.

Part 2: International Admission

International students are individuals who are not citizens of the United States and who reside outside the United States, or individuals in the United States on a non-immigrant F-1 student visa. International students are required to be registered under the Federal Student Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS).

  1. A special application form is required.
  2. Applicants must meet specific requirements (documentation of high school graduation, English proficiency and sufficient financial resources) before being considered for admission to the College.
  3. No admission decision will be made until the application is complete.

Application Deadlines. The application deadline for new International Students is June 1 for fall semester and October 1 for spring semester. The application deadline for transfer International students is July 1 for fall semester and November 1 for spring semester. There is no summer admission for international students.

Part 3: Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) Program

Minnesota high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors with demonstrated academic achievement may enroll in college-level courses Normandale Community College while in high school, through the Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) program, administered by the MN Department of Education for fall and spring semesters. Sophomores may enroll in Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses and juniors and seniors may enroll in CTE and general education courses.

Normandale Community College follows the PSEO admissions guidelines set forth by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System.

Subpart A: Application Deadlines. The application deadlines for the PSEO program are July 1 for fall semester and December 1 for spring semester. The PSEO program is not funded for summer sessions.

Subpart B: College Readiness. The results of the placement tests are the determining factor for a student’s eligibility to enroll in college-level courses paid for by the PSEO programs. Students must satisfy all three sections (reading, writing and math) of the placement tests and must indicate college-level placement in reading.

Subpart C: Restrictions. Students participating in the Normandale PSEO program are not eligible to enroll in developmental courses; not eligible to enroll in courses with supplemental fees of more than $85; and are not eligible to receive financial aid.

Subpart D: Expectations. PSEO students are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress in accordance with the college guidelines. All courses must be taken for a letter grade. A “Pass/No Credit” option is not permissible for PSEO students.

Part 4: Summer High School Enrollment Program

Summer High School Enrollment is available for those high school students in the 11th and 12th grade levels who may wish to take classes during the summer months. This includes PSEO students who may wish to take summer courses prior to high school graduation.

Subpart A: Financial Responsibility. The Minnesota Department of Education does not fund the courses taken through the Summer High School Enrollment Program; therefore, tuition, fees and books are the student’s responsibility.

Subpart B: College Readiness. Students must meet established course prerequisites or placement levels. Students participating in the Summer High School Enrollment program are eligible to enroll in developmental courses.

Part 5: Visiting Students

Students currently admitted at another college or university may choose to enroll at Normandale as a visiting student and are not required to apply for admission. Visiting students are not candidates for a degree, diploma or certificate at Normandale Community College.

Restrictions. Visiting students can enroll in public courses only, private courses are not available. As a visiting student the maximum number of enrolled credits at all MN State system institutions cannot exceed 22 in any semester. Students must meet established course prerequisites or placement levels.

Visiting student status is not available to those currently on suspension, students who have been expelled, or students who have a financial hold at another MN State institution. Financial aid is not available from Normandale Community College; however, visiting students may receive financial aid from their home institution.

Policy History:

Date of Adoption: Established prior to 2011

Department / Owner: Admissions/Student Affairs

Date and Subject of Revisions:

5/1/19: Updated MnSCU to MN State; Updated PSEO Program changes; no deferred admission for ABE students; College Readiness has been updated; update Summer High School Enrollment program changes (SHEP)

Next Review Date: 6/18/2022