Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

3.18 Course Readiness Assessments

Related MnSCU Board Policy: 3.3 Assessment for Course Placement

Purpose: Normandale Community College follows the guidelines of assessment for course placement set forth by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) System. The Course Readiness Assessment is intended to help new entering students understand their current level of academic readiness so that they can be placed into the courses in which they can be successful.

Part 1: Assessment Results

If assessment results indicate that a student is not ready for college-level coursework in reading, writing or mathematics, developmental coursework must be completed before the student will be allowed to register for courses in related academic subjects.

Subpart A: Adult Basic Education. Students whose Course Readiness Assessment results indicate they are not yet ready to benefit from college developmental coursework are at the Adult Basic Education (ABE) level. Students at this level in either reading or writing will receive a deferred admission to the College. Deferred admission means that a student may not enroll in courses until they demonstrate college readiness in both reading and writing. To demonstrate readiness in reading and writing the student retakes the Course Readiness Assessment and scores above the ABE level.

Subpart B: Students Who are Non-Native Speakers of English. Course Readiness Assessment ensures accurate placement for non-native speakers of English. Based on assessment results, students are eligible for developmental courses designed specifically for non-native speakers of English or are referred to Adult Basic Education or community services.

Subpart C: Students with Disabilities. Accommodations for individuals with disabilities the completing Course Readiness Assessment are available with advance notice.

Part 2: Requirements and Exceptions

Course Readiness Assessment measures students’ reading, writing and mathematical skills and assures appropriate placement in courses.

Subpart A: New Students. All new entering students at Normandale are required to take the Course Readiness Assessment unless they demonstrate proficiency in these areas via an accepted standardized test.

Subpart B: Transfer Students. Transfer students who have taken college-level coursework at a regionally accredited college or university submit official transcripts of their college-level coursework to obtain a Course Readiness Assessment waiver.

Subpart C: Visiting Students. Visiting students are not required to complete Course Readiness Assessment but must meet established course prerequisites.

Part 3: Time Limits on Score Validity

Reading and writing assessment scores and subject area scores are valid for three calendar years, inclusive of the current year. Mathematics scores are valid for two calendar years, inclusive of the current calendar year.

Part 4: Retesting and Appeals

Subpart A: Retests. Students may retest once in every 12-month period on a space-available basis. A fee is charged for retesting.

Subpart B: Appeals. Students may appeal their Course Readiness Assessments by completing a Readiness Appeal form.

Part 5: Instrument and Scoring Standards

The Minnesota State Colleges and University System (MnSCU) designates the placement instrument for all MnSCU institutions and established system minimum course placement scores.

Policy History:

Date of Adoption: Established prior to 2011

Date of Implementation:

Date and Subject of Revisions:

Next Review Date: 2014-15