3.30 Program Advisory Committees Policy
Part 1: Purpose
To establish consistent standards, processes, and conditions for the operation of Program Advisory Committees.
Part 2: Definitions
Program advisory committee
A formally organized committee that provides expert advice and assistance on technical and career programs. Membership, structure, and the operations of the committee must be established within the policy and handbook guidelines.
Career program. A career program is any program that offers the Associate of Science (A.S.) degree or related certificate that prepares students for employment in a specific career field or which is aligned with a specific technical or career field. This includes all A.S. degrees that are eligible for Perkins funds.
Technical program. A technical program is any program that offers the Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree or related certificate if the certificate prepares students for immediate employment or is aligned with a specific occupation or career field.
Part 3: Program Advisory Committee
Subpart A: Applicability
Program Advisory Committees are required for every credit-based technical and career program offered by the college. Academic programs that desire strong relationships with stakeholders may also establish Program Advisory Committees.
Subpart B: Membership
- Program Advisory Committee membership should include, but is not limited to:
- Members representing the breadth of the industry/field;
- program faculty;
- a college administrator;
- program students;
- representation from the program’s K-12 education or university partners as applicable; and
- program alumni as applicable.
- The committee members should reflect the diversity found in the community and in the students enrolled in the program.
- The size of the advisory committee should be large enough to ensure adequate representation and adhere to any accreditation standards.
- The advisory committee will establish its own written criteria for member recruitment, selection, appointment, and replacement.
- One advisory committee may serve more than one program provided that committee members possess the requisite knowledge and skills relevant to employment of graduates in the related technical or career occupations.
Subpart C: Duties and Responsibilities
- Program Responsibilities
- All technical and occupational programs must establish, manage, and evaluate the work of the Program Advisory Committee.
- Programs are expected to utilize information and advice from their advisory committee for continuous program improvement.
- Formally organize the committee and provide oversight and accountability.
- Advisory Committee Responsibilities
Using equity-minded principles the Committee will:
- Identify program needs and opportunities;
- provide information on the state of the industry or occupation;
- review and approve program curriculum changes to ensure industry relevance and equitable student outcomes;
- collaborate with instructional staff to identify and secure resources (donations, financial support, scholarships);
- connect staff and students to internship opportunities;
- assist program staff with student recruitment to help ensure program participants who are both diverse and representative;
- serve as program ambassadors in the community;
- provide guidance and advice for expanding equitable access; and
- assist program faculty with aligning their programming to K-12 and university requirements.
Policy History: New
Owner: Academic Affairs – Dean of Business, Social Sciences, and Education
Date of Adoption: 2024
Date of Implementation:
Date and Subject of Revisions:
Next Review Date (4 years): 2028