Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

3.7.1 Student Complaints and Grievances Procedure

Related Minnesota Board Policy: 3.8 Student Complaints and Grievances

Related Minnesota Board Procedure: 3.8.1 Student Complaints and Grievances

Part 1: Purpose: To provide a process to resolve student complaints and grievances and to affirm the college’s commitment to the fair and equitable treatment of students. 

Part 2: Definitions.  For the purposes of Policy 3.7 and Procedure 3.7.1, the following definitions apply:

Academic Student Complaint/Grievance.  A complaint/grievance directly related to academic coursework including student/faculty interactions in and outside the classroom.

Appeal. A request for reconsideration of a complaint or grievance decision under Policy 3.7 and Procedure 3.7.1.

Complaint. A written claim concerning a college issue brought by a student alleging improper, unfair, or arbitrary treatment.

Grade Review. A specific type of complaint asking for the review of a course or assignment grade.

Grievance. A written claim raised by a student alleging improper, unfair, or arbitrary action by an employee involving the application of a specific provision of a college rule/regulation or a board policy or procedure.

Non-academic Student Complaint/Grievance. A complaint/grievance not directly related to academic coursework including student/faculty interactions in and outside the classroom. Concerns generally address areas and employees related to student affairs or operations.

Retaliation. Retribution of any kind taken against a student participating or not participating in a complaint or grievance.

Student. An individual who is currently, or has been recently, enrolled at the college.

Part 2: Complaints and Grievances

Subpart A.  Timeframe

  1. A written complaint must be submitted within 15 business days following the completion of a course.
  2. A written grievance must be submitted within 15 business days of the incident giving rise to the grievance.
  3. A written request for a course or assignment grade review must be submitted prior to the end of the semester following the grade in question.

Subpart B. Complaint/Grievance process.            

  1. The student must submit an Academic Student Complaint/Grievance form and identify the topic of the topic of the complaint/grievance.
  2. Before submitting a complaint/grievance, students should discuss their concern with the faculty member/employee. In cases where the concern cannot be addressed with this person, students may make an appointment with the appropriate supervisor (Dean).
  3. A complaint may become a grievance if the complaint involves allegations of improper, unfair, or arbitrary action by an employee involving the application of a college rule or regulation, board policy, or system procedure.  For complaints on discrimination and harassment, see Normandale Policy 4.3 and Procedure 4.3.1.
  4. Grade reviews are a specific type of complaint.  Requests for grade reviews must indicate that:
    1.  there was a numerical or clerical error in the calculation of the course or assignment grade; or
    2. there was a departure in the method of grade calculation described in the syllabus or assignment instructions.
  5. At the conclusion of the review, the college will respond to the complaint/grievance in writing.  Students will receive a response within 15 business days.  The response will include notification to the student of the opportunity for appeal and the appeal process.

Subpart C.  Appeals.

  1. If the concern is not resolved by the dean or supervisor, students may appeal the decision to the Vice President of the appropriate division.
  2. Students should email the appropriate Vice President and indicate “Appeal” in the subject line. Students should include the reason for the appeal and include any additional documentation not already submitted.
  3. The Vice President will communicate a decision within 15 business days of receipt of the appeal.
  4. At the college level, the decision of the Vice President is final and binding.
  5. After completing the college complaint/grievance process, the student may appeal the final decision to the Office of the Chancellor if the grievance involves:
    • A board policy or system procedure,
    • the actions of the college president, 
    • an issue of institutional or program quality, such as the college's compliance with the standards of an accrediting or licensing agency, or
    • a claim of consumer fraud or deceptive trade practice.
  6. The decision of the Chancellor or designee is final and binding.

Subpart D.  Constraints

  1. This policy does not cover Sexual Harassment and Violence or Workplace Violence.
  2. Sexual Harassment and Violence, as well as Title IX, are covered under Normandale Policy 4.3 and Procedure 4.3.1.
  3. Work place violence is covered under Normandale Policy 4.4.1 and Procedure 4.4.1.

Subpart E:  Review

  1. Student complaints and grievances will be reviewed annually by Academic Affairs.
  2. The student complaint and grievance process will be reviewed every four years by Academic Affairs.

Part 3. Retaliation Prohibited.  No retaliation of any kind shall be taken against a student for participating, or refusing to participate, in a complaint/grievance. Retaliation may be subject to action under appropriate student or employee policies.


Policy History:

Date of Adoption: Established prior to 2011

Department / Owner: Academic Affairs

Date and Subject of Revisions:

3/12/2019 Updated MnSCU to Minnesota State; Updated Policy and Procedure number from 2.11 & 2.11.1. to 3.7 & 3.7.1 to align better with State of Minnesota Policy and Procedures; Part 2, the college has now established a procedure; formatting changes.


3/4/2024 Added Purpose and renumbered. Moved former 3.7.2 (grade review) into 3.7.1. Provided more detail on the complaint/grievance process. Amended the time frames for review.


Next Review Date: 3/4/2027