Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

3.20.1 Course Drops and Withdrawals Procedure

Related Minnesota State Board Policy: 5.12 Tuition and Fee Due Dates, Refunds, Withdrawals and Waivers

Related Minnesota State Board Procedure: 5.11.1 Tuition and Fees; 5.12.4 Refund of Tuition and Fees; 3.34.1 Official Academic Semester Start Dates

Purpose: To establish a policy for the refund of tuition and fees and to define the period in which a student may drop or withdraw from a class.

Part 1: Course Drops or Withdrawals

Subpart A: During the first five days of the fall and spring semesters and the first five days of the first summer session, a student may drop a class (remove it from their academic record). For late-starting classes, weekend classes and other classes that do not meet the full length of the term (including classes that begin after the fifth day of the first summer session), students can drop through the end of the business day following the first class meeting (or online course begin date).

Subpart B: The course withdrawal period immediately follows the course drop period. Course withdrawal deadlines are based on the date that approximately 80% of the course has finished. The College’s student information system automatically calculates the withdrawal deadline for each course based on its meeting dates and course type (online, hybrid, on-campus). Withdrawal deadlines are published in eServices and on students’ schedules. Withdrawn courses remain on a student’s record with a grade of W.

Subpart C: College administration may initiate a course drop or withdrawal as a result of the student’s failure to pay tuition, failure to attend classes, failure to meet course prerequisites, failure to meet the standards of satisfactory academic progress, violations of the code of conduct and other situations.

Subpart D: When all of a student’s instructors report a student has not attended the first week of the term, the college may administratively drop the student’s classes.

Procedure History:

Date of Adoption: Established prior to 3/27/13

Department / Owner: Academic Affairs / Registration

Date and Subject of Revisions:

03/21/2019 Moved parts 2 and 3 to Policy 3.20, Course Drops and Withdrawals

Next Review Date: 3/21/2022