Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

3.19.1 Last Date of Attendance Procedure

Related Minnesota State Board Policy: None

Related Minnesota State Board Procedure: None

Purpose: To administer federal financial aid, Section 484B, 34 CFR 668.22 of the Higher Education Act requires Normandale Community College faculty to provide last date of attendance information for students who never attend, who stop attending during the semester, or who receive a grade of No Credit (NC) in a course.

Part 1: Definition: Last Date of Attendance. For purposes of this procedure, the last date of attendance is determined to be one or more of the following:

  1. The last day the student attended class in courses in which attendance is taken by the instructor;
  2. The last day on which a student participated in an academically-related activity, such as submitting an assignment or taking a quiz or test;
  3. The last day on which a student actively participated in a group or online activity in classes in which attendance is not regularly taken.
  4. The date the student officially withdraws from a class, if a last date of attendance was not previously reported by the instructor.

Part 2: Reporting Schedule. Faculty will report non-attendance utilizing the faculty portal services in Minnesota State’s eServices system.

  1. Students who never attended. Beginning the 5th business day that follows the course begin date, faculty shall begin reporting students who have never attended. For classes that begin at the start of the term, reporting must be complete by the 9th business day of the term (the day before financial aid is disbursed). For classes that begin after the second week of the term, reporting should be complete by the end of the second week following the course begin date.
  2. Students who stop attending. Faculty must report a student’s last date of attendance as soon as they are reasonably certain the student has stopped attending. “Reasonably certain” is determined by the instructor but could be considered as an absence of two weeks. Faculty can report a last date of attendance beginning the 5th business day that follows the course begin date. The deadline to report a student’s last date of attendance is the semester grading deadline.

Part 3: Student Financial Aid Implications. In accordance with state and federal regulations, financial aid recipients who never attend or who stop attending may be subject to a reduction or cancellation of financial aid funds already disbursed. The student’s aid package, enrollment level and attendance all help determine whether and how much aid must be repaid.

Part 4: Grading

Subpart A: A student who has never attended or participated in a class will be assigned a grade of FN for classes that utilize the A-F grading method or NC for those that utilize the Pass/No Credit grading method.

Subpart B: A student who has attended or participated in at least one day or activity will be assigned a grade of FW for classes that utilize the A-F grading method or NC for those that utilize the Pass/No Credit grading method.

Subpart C: Grade changes. Prior to the course withdrawal deadline, students may visit the Records Office to change an FN, FW or NC grade to a W (withdrawal). The last date of attendance that was reported by faculty will remain unchanged, so the impact on the student's financial aid award (that occurred when the instructor reported the last date of attendance) for that semester will remain unchanged, as well.

Part 5: Readmission to class. A student who has been removed from class through the no show or LDA reporting process may request reentry into the class by contacting the faculty member. Readmission to the class is not guaranteed and is at the faculty member’s discretion. A student who is readmitted and does not meet the attendance requirements of the course should be again removed from the class through the LDA process.

Procedure History:

Date of Adoption: Prior to 2011

Department Owner: Admissions

Date and Subject of Revisions:

09/17/18: Changed “MnSCU” to “Minnesota State.”


Revised Part 1 Subpart A #2 with updated language for clarity.

Revised Part 1 Subpart A to include #4, date of withdrawal.

Revised Part 2 language to define reporting schedule.

Added Part 5, Readmission to class

Next Review Date: 02/19/2022