Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

3.13.1 Transfer Credit Procedure

Related Minnesota State Board Policies:

3.21 Undergraduate Course and Credit Transfer and the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum

3.35 Credit for Prior Learning

3.39 Transfer Rights and Responsibilities

Related Minnesota State Board Procedures:

3.21.1 Transfer of Undergraduate Courses, Credit, Associate Degrees and the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum

3.35.1 Credit for Prior Learning – External Assessments

3.35.2 Credit for Prior Learning – Internal College/University Assessments

3.35.3 Military Courses and Military Occupations

Purpose: To comply with Minnesota State undergraduate transfer credit policy and to ensure fair and consistent transfer credit evaluation practices.

Part 1: Transfer of undergraduate credit

Normandale Community College will grant credit for undergraduate coursework from regionally accredited colleges and universities and will consider for additional credit other collegiate and non-collegiate work in accordance with Minnesota State Board Policies 3.21, 3.35, and 3.39.

  • All college courses in which a student has received a grade of A, B, C, D or P (Pass) at regionally accredited, liberal arts, post-secondary institutions shall be considered for transfer.
  • If the student’s cumulative GPA at the originating institution is less than 2.00, only grades of P, C and higher will be considered, unless the course was completed at a Minnesota State college or university and that institution has used it to satisfy a Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) goal requirement. Students retain the right to appeal the acceptance of credits.
  • Duplicate credits cannot be awarded for equivalent courses.
  • Up to 16 credits of public or private regionally accredited technical college coursework shall be considered for credit if the coursework was completed with a grade of P, C or higher.
  • Grades earned for transfer coursework shall not be computed in the student’s GPA on the Normandale transcript.
  • Credits earned by examination at a regionally accredited post-secondary institution will be considered for transfer.
  • Credit achieved through experiential learning processes shall be evaluated, following a student’s petition, according to published national standard guidelines established by the American Council on Education (ACE), the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) and other similar national organizations.
  • In accordance with Minnesota Statute 197.775, Subd.2, Recognition of Courses, Normandale will evaluate credit achieved through military training as specified in the ACE Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services. Up to 16 technical and/or vocational credits and an unlimited number of associate and baccalaureate credits will be accepted for unduplicated course content. Awarded credit will be counted as electives.
  • Credits earned in competency-based education programs will transfer as general electives unless approved for other distribution requirements.
  • Transfer decisions are not made solely on the source of accreditation. Non-collegiate work and coursework from non-regionally accredited institutions recognized by Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and the US Department of Education will be considered on a course-by-course basis through the academic petition process.
  • Coursework completed at an international college or university will be considered for transfer if recommended by a professional credential evaluation service that is recognized by the Association of International Educators (AIE) or the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES).

Part 2: Advanced Placement Program

Students who earn a score of 3 or higher on an Advanced Placement (AP) examination will be awarded credit upon submission of an official AP score report to the Office of Admissions. Course equivalencies and the MnTC goals satisfied by AP examinations are reflected at

Part 3: College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Upon completion of testing, students must submit an official score report to the Office of Admissions for consideration of credit. For examinations completed July 2001 or later, the minimum CLEP score for acceptance of credit is 50, with higher scores required in level 2 foreign language examinations. There is no limit to the number of credits a student may earn for CLEP examinations; however, students who are seeking a degree or certificate must meet the college residency requirement. Course equivalencies and the MnTC goals satisfied by CLEP examinations are reflected at

Part 4: International Baccalaureate

Students shall be granted 6 semester credits for scores of 4 or higher on each higher-level examination, plus 2 credits for each standard level examination with a score of 4 or higher.

Course equivalencies and the MnTC goals satisfied by CLEP examinations are reflected at

Part 5: Career and Technical Credit and Project Lead the Way™

Articulation agreements between certain high schools and Normandale Community College allow students who have completed specific coursework with grades of B (85%) or higher and comprehensive college-level Project Lead the Way™ (PLTW) examinations with scores of 70% or higher to earn academic credit at Normandale. Within three years of high school graduation, the student must enroll at Normandale and submit an official articulation certificate or high school transcript showing the course grades and corresponding PLTW end-of-course exam results to the Office of Admissions. If the transcript does not reflect the results of the PLTW end-of-course examinations, an official score report, signed by the person responsible for the PLTW program in the student’s school district, must be sent with the transcript. CTE and PLTW credits are accepted for enrolled students only.

Part 6:

Normandale Community College shall use (and successor databases) housed within the System Office as the official repository of course equivalency data.

Part 7: Appeals

Appeals of the transcript evaluation are done by completing the academic petition form, available from the Advising and Counseling Department. The academic petition will be reviewed by an academic dean and, if appropriate, the academic department. Notification of the outcome will be emailed to the student's account within three weeks of the date the petition was received.

If a student is not satisfied with the college's transfer appeal decision, the student may submit a request to the Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs for a system level appeal of the college's transfer appeal decision.

  • A student shall appeal a transfer decision at the college or university level prior to appeal at the system level.
  • The system level appeal request shall include a copy of the college or university transfer appeal decision with supporting rationale, transcript, and other documentation.
  • To be considered, the student appeal for a decision that involves credits from system colleges and universities must have the support of the chief academic officer or designee of the sending system college or university. When a transfer decision involves credit earned at an institution outside the system colleges and universities, the support of a chief academic officer or designee is not required.
  • Upon receipt of the system level appeal, there shall be a review by Minnesota State System Office transfer staff. The review shall be based on course descriptions, outlines, objectives, learning outcomes, and/or other relevant information. The transfer staff shall submit a recommendation to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs.

The Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs shall make a final determination regarding disposition of the appeal. The decision of the Senior Vice Chancellor shall be binding on all system college and university parties. The appeal form can be found at

Procedure History:

Date of Adoption:

Department / Owner: Records & Registration

Date and Subject of Revisions:


Updated MnSCU to Minnesota State.

Removed repealed Minnesota State policies 3.15, 3.16, and 3.33 from list of related Minnesota State policies.

Added 3.39 to list of related Minnesota State policies.

Removed repealed procedures 3.15.1, 3.16.1, and 3.33.1 from list of related Minnesota State procedures.

Replaced procedure 3.35 with 3.35.1, 3.35.2 and 3.35.3.

Changed Office of the Chancellor to System Office.

Reduced language in parts 2 -5 for relevancy.

Added information to parts 2-4

Added Career and Technical Education to part 5.

Part 6: Changed u.Select to

Next Review Date: 8/8/2022