Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

3.15 Copyright

Related Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Policy: 3.27 Copyright

Related Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Procedure: 3.27.1 Copyright Clearance

Purpose: To fulfill Board policy with regard to copyright policy at Normandale Community College.

Part 1: General Statement

Copyright owners of original works, regardless of the format of the work, have exclusive rights with respect to their creations. The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System (System) promotes the recognition and protection of these rights, including the rights of reproduction, preparation of derivative works, distribution, and performance. The System also recognizes that reproduction and use of original works in accordance with fair use limitations can further teaching, research, and public service at its colleges and universities. Consistent with the mission of the Board and the distinct missions of system colleges and universities, the Board supports the creation and sharing of new knowledge for course development and to improve student learning, such as through creative commons licenses.

Part 2: Applicability

This policy applies to system colleges, universities, the Office of the Chancellor and their respective employees and students, and to works in which colleges, universities or the System has a legally recognized interest.

Part 3: Definitions

The following definitions apply to this Policy and to Procedure 3.27.1 Copyright Clearance.

Copyright. Copyright is a form of protection granted by federal law for original works of authorship that are fixed in a tangible medium of expression. Copyright covers both published and unpublished works.

Copyright Compliance. The actions of colleges, universities, the Office of the Chancellor and their respective employees and students that ensure proposed uses of materials comply with copyright laws and do not infringe on the intellectual property rights of the copyright owners.

Intellectual Property Coordinator. The Intellectual Property Coordinator is the person appointed at each college, university and the Office of the Chancellor who administers Board Policies 3.26 Intellectual Property, 3.27 Copyrights and any related procedures.

Part 4: Copyright Notice

A copyright notice shall be placed on college, university and System owned materials that will be made available to the public. The date in the notice shall be the year in which the materials are first published, i.e. distributed or made available to the public or any sizable audience.

Part 5: Copyright Registration

Prior to commercialization of works in which a college, university or the Office of the Chancellor has an ownership interest, such works shall be registered with the U.S. Copyright Office in the name(s) of the copyright owner(s).

Part 6: Copyright Compliance

Colleges, universities and the Office of the Chancellor shall develop and implement policies, procedures, processes and practices to be in compliance with federal copyright laws.

Part 7: Intellectual Property Coordinator and Administration

The Intellectual Property Coordinator as designated in Board Policy 3.26 Intellectual Property at each college, university and the Office of the Chancellor has the

Policy History:

Date of Adoption: June 19, 2012

Date of Implementation: January 3, 2003

Department Owner:

Date and Subject of Revisions:

May 19, 2010 - Amended to provide guidance to help system colleges, universities and their respective students and employees comply with federal copyright laws.

Next Review Date: 2014-15