Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

5.18.1 Advertising and Sponsorship

Related MnSCU Board Policy: 5.15 Fund Raising

Related MnSCU Board Procedure: None

Purpose: The process through which advertising and sponsoring is conducted as outlined in this policy.

Part 1: Advertising

Subpart A: College contacts for permitted advertising are:

  • Student Newspaper: Editor-in-Chief
  • College Auxiliary Services: Director, Kopp Student Center
  • Business Partners: Director, Kopp Student Center
  • Student Funded Buildings (Kopp Student Center): Director, Kopp Student Center

Part 2: Sponsorship

Subpart A: College contacts for permitted sponsorships are:

  • Student Organizations: Director, Student Life
  • College Foundation: Executive Director, Normandale Foundation

Procedure History:

Date of Adoption:

Date of Implementation

Date and Subject of Revisions

Next Review Date: