Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

5.14 Media Policy

Related Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Policy: None

Related Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Procedure: None

Purpose:  To promote an effective and positive media relations program.

Part 1: The Media and Public Relations Office is responsible for the college’s media and public relations program.

Part 2: Public understanding of the college’s mission, policies, plans and programs can best be achieved by establishing good relations with employees of press, radio, TV and other media outlets.  The most effective means of developing such a relationship is providing honest and helpful information in an atmosphere of mutual respect and candor. This is important for the protection and enhancement of Normandale’s reputation, and the college being a sought-after source of credible and reliable information for the media.

Part 3: Media inquiries involving issues with college-wide significance or are of a controversial or sensitive nature should be referred to the Director of Media and Public Relations. This is done to provide a consistent voice in the college’s response to media members.

Policy History:

Date of Adoption: Established prior to 2011

Date of Implementation:

Date and Subject of Revisions: Updated in 2024 for additional context on the purpose of media relations, roles and responsibilities, updated reference to Minnesota State 

Next Review Date: 2027