Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

5.10 Vendor Tables Policy

Related Minnesota State Board Policy: None

Related Minnesota State Board Procedure: None

Purpose: To provide a framework to govern campus vendor tables. Vendor tables serve multiple purposed by allowing campus departments and recognized clubs and organizations to promote events, gain visibility for service, and conduct fund raising activities. External vendors may provide valued services to students.

Part 1: Compatibility with Mission

Normandale Community College allows external and internal organizations to use designated vendor table space on campus on the condition that the organization’s presence contributes to the mission of the college. The college has established rules and guidelines that govern the type of activity allowed and the conditions that govern activities.

Part 2: General Guidelines

Subpart A: Location

  1. Vendor tables are located on the first floor of the Kopp Student Center across from the Kopp Student Center Information Desk (Kopp Central).
  2. Recognized student clubs and organizations are given priority when reserving Kopp Student Center vendor tables

Subpart B: Fees

  1. A fee will be charged to external organizations for the use of table space.
  2. Recognized student clubs and organizations are not charged a fee.

Subpart C: Restrictions

  1. Normandale reserves the right to regulate time, place and manner in all instances.
  2. Per Minnesota State College and Universities policy, Normandale does not permit outside entities to hold raffles on college property.
  3. Persons staffing a table are required to stay behind the table when distributing material or recruiting.
  4. Promotion, sales or distribution of products that violate Normandale Community College or Minnesota State policies, state or federal laws, or terms of Normandale contracts are prohibited. 
  5. Promotion of alcohol, tobacco use and credit cards is prohibited. The college may specify additional prohibitions.
  6. The college reserves the right to determine whether an organization’s presence is in conflict with the mission of the college
  7. The college reserves the right to remove an employer vendor if it has demonstrated misleading or questionable business practices or who is not abiding by Normandale rules.
  8. No excessive noise is allowed.
  9. Normandale reserves the right to make changes to accommodate the specific needs of the campus.

Policy History:

Date of Adoption: Established prior to 2011

Department/Owner: Director of Auxiliary Services / Facilities

Date and Subject of Revisions:

Next Review Date: 2014-15