Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

5.10.1 Vendor Table Procedure

Related Minnesota State Board Policy: None

Related Minnesota State Board Procedure: None

Purpose: To provide a process for the reserving tables in the Kopp Student Center for Normandale recognized student clubs and organizations, campus departments and external organizations.

Part 1: Reservation Requests

Subpart A: Requests for a table must be directed to the Student Center/Campus Event Assistant at 952-368-8496.

Subpart B: All requests for tables are filled on a first come, first served basis and must be made at least 24 hours in advance.

Subpart C: Tables will be available to college representatives, employers, non-profits, U.S. Bank and government organizations like the Armed Forces.

Subpart D: Power and data is available upon request on a first come, first served basis.

Subpart E: A fee will be charged for table space for external organizations.

  1. College and university representatives will be charged $30 for up to 4 hours of use.
  2. All others will be charged $60 for up to 4 hours of use.
  3. Check, cash or credit care will be accepted as payment and is due at the Kopp Central Information Desk (Kopp Central) the day the table is used.
  4. Normandale reserves the right to limit the number of table opportunities per organization or deny request that are in conflict with our mission.

Procedure History:

Date of Adoption: Draft proposed 10/7/19 to Cabinet

Department/Owner: Director of Auxiliary Services / Facilities

Date and Subject of Revisions:

Next Review Date: