5.15.1 Record Maintenance and Retention
Related MnSCU Board Policies:
5.22 Acceptable use of Computers and Information Technology Resources
5.23 Security and Privacy of Information Resources
Related MnSCU Board Procedure: 5.22.1 Acceptable use of Computers and Information Technology Resources
Purpose: Data maintained by Normandale Community College is subject to applicable employee and student data practices laws, including the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Users are responsible for handling government data to which they have access or control in accordance with applicable data practices laws.
Part 1: Definitions
Subpart A: Data. Data refers to any information maintained on an individual.
Subpart B: Data Privacy Compliance Officer (DPCO)
The Data Privacy Compliance Officer refers to the Chief Human Resources Officer, who is responsible for compliance with employee data practices regulations, and the College Registrar, who is responsible for compliance with student data practices regulations.
Part 2: Scope
All employees are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of employee and student records in accordance with applicable law and College Policy 5.14.2, Data Privacy.
Subpart A: Training
New employees are required to complete the “Public Jobs/Private Data” online data privacy training in Desire2Learn. All employees shall attend other trainings as deemed appropriate by supervisors and College administration. Data privacy and a confidentiality agreement shall be a part of all search committee trainings, which all search committee members must have completed no more than one year prior to serving on a search committee.
Subpart B: Work space
Employees shall secure their work spaces (computers, drawers, desk tops) to maintain the confidentiality of records in their possession.
Part 3: Record Retention Schedule
Subpart A: Each administrative area that collects and maintains data shall implement a record retention schedule that complies with applicable laws and industry best practices. At minimum, the retention schedule shall list the record type and minimum time it must be retained.
Additional features of the retention list may include the governing reason for the retention (federal or state law, accreditation, best practice, etc.) the medium in which it is stored, the manner in which it will be destroyed (if appropriate), and the individual responsible for the maintenance.
Procedure History:
Date of Adoption:
Date of Implementation:
Date and Subject of Revisions:
Next Review Date: