Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

5.11.1 Weather/Short Term Emergency Closings

Related Minnesota State Board policy: 4.4 Weather / Short Term Emergency Closings

Related Minnesota State Board procedure: None

Related Normandale Community College Policy: 5.11 Weather or Other Emergency Closings


Purpose: In compliance with Minnesota State Board Policy 4.4, identify how weather conditions are assessed, which weather-essential employees may be required to protect life and property during campus closings, and how campus closings and cancellations are communicated.


Part 1: Weather Assessment Factors

The president and designees will reference pertinent state and local authorities as part of an assessment of weather and travel conditions. Sources may include the State Highway Patrol District Office, the Minnesota Department of Transportation, area county and city law enforcement offices, county and city highway maintenance offices, and local school districts.

The president and designees consider the following inputs and thresholds to determine if the college should close campus, delay opening campus, or cancel specific classes or activities due to weather conditions.


Subpart A. Severity of the Weather Event

1. Ice: MnDOT ice advisory or no travel advisory

2. Snow: eight or more inches forecast

3. Temperature: If air temperatures are forecast to be at or under minus 25 degrees or wind chills to be at or under minus 40 degrees

4. Campus conditions: If building temperatures or parking lot conditions are not acceptable for occupancy


Subpart B. Closings at Other Institutions

1. South Metro Minnesota State institutions

2. K-12 school districts, including Bloomington Public Schools


Subpart C. Public transit

1. Significant schedule changes and cancellations


Part 2: Weather-Essential Employees

Weather-essential employees in Public Safety or Facilities may be assigned to work on campus during a weather-related closure to provide services that protect life and property. These services may include security, snow removal, oversight and maintenance of building systems, or other essential services. If a weather-essential employee can accomplish oversight of their required functions remotely, the employee may telework during a closure.

Department supervisors will notify employees whether they are required to report to work during a campus closure. Weather-essential employees who are required to work will be paid at their regular rate of pay.


Part 3: Communication of Closings, Delays, or Cancellations


Subpart A: Information Sources

1. Normandale website

2. Star Alert message to students and employees

3. Normandale Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

4. Employee Exchange


6. Email to supervisors


Subpart B: Timing of Announcements

1. Late openings or full-day closings announced by 5:00 a.m.

2. Early closings announced by 3:00 p.m.

Policy History: 11-01-2014 After table top review

Date of Adoption:

Date of Implementation:

Department Owner: VP of Administration

Date and Subject of Revisions:

December, 2023: updated to align with Minnesota State Board Policy 4.4. Edited purpose, added local weather authorities, weather-essential employee information, communications sources.

Next Review Date: 2027