Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

2.14.1 Public Presentation and Speakers

Related Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Policy: None

Related Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Procedure: None

Purpose: To assure that the right of free expression and exchange of ideas, to minimize conflict between the exercise of that right and the rights of others in effective use of College facilities, and to minimize possible interference with the College’s responsibilities as an education institution.

Part 1: Members of an academic department, administrative office and recognized student life groups may invite non-college speakers to address the campus community. The inviting member of the college must provide the Dean of their area the name of the speaker they have invited to campus, the content of their presentation, if any copy-righted materials will be utilized and the date, time and place of the speaker.

Subpart A: The Dean of that area will check for compliance to Procedure Number 2.14 Public Presentation and Speakers and determine if:

  1. The meeting will be required to be chaired by a person approved by the College.
  2. The speaker will be subject to questions from the audience.

Subpart B: The Dean will inform the President if they feel that the speaker will constitute a clear and present danger to the orderly operation or peaceful conduct of campus activities by the speaker’s advocacy of such actions as:

  1. Willful damage or destruction or seizure of College buildings or property
  2. Disruption of, impairment of, or interference with, classes or other College activities
  3. Physical harm, coercion, intimidation, or other invasion of the rights of College Students, faculty, staff or guests
  4. Advocacy of violation of law
  5. Other disorder of a violent or seriously disruptive nature.

If the President determines any of the above apply the President will inform the Dean, and the Dean will contact the requestor to not invite the speaker to campus.

Part 2: Public presentations of copyrighted media

Subpart A: Copyright Act restricts the use of videocassettes or DVDs (bought or rented) for private showings and prohibits their public performance. The appropriate Dean will determine if proper copyright regulations are being followed by guest speakers prior to their presentation by following guidelines outlined in Speaker Policy.

  1. Students are not permitted to show copyrighted media at on-campus or off-campus official meetings without paying public performance fees.
  2. The Copyright Act contains a special exception, "fair use" rule, which provides that someone other than the copyright owner may make limited use of a copyrighted work without permission for purposes such as teaching, research, scholarship, criticism, parody, and news reporting.

Procedure History:

Date of Adoption:

Department Owner:

Date and Subject of Revisions:

10/29/18 – Updated Minnesota State Colleges and Universities vs. MnSCU and formatting changes

Next Review Date: 11/1/2022