Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

2.4 Posting Policy

Related Minnesota State Board Policy: None

Purpose: To assure effective communication, the college has established guidelines governing the use of college space to advertise events and information.

This policy defines the College's position related to informational postings in Normandale Community College buildings and provides a systematic process that facilitates the posting of appropriate communications in appropriate areas. The College's objective is to inform employees, students and community members of college guidelines and procedures for posting information items that are designed to facilitate the achievement of institutional goals and objectives.

While the College recognizes that campus postings are an integral part of communication within the college community, it is also committed to ensuring clean, neat and well-maintained facilities and preventing damage to college property. Designated bulletin boards should be used for all postings. With the exception of temporary directional signs posted by approved campus offices, no materials are to be posted on walls, doors, glass, windows, columns, stairwells, railings, bathroom stalls, or any other permanent structure of college facility. Any material posted on these structures shall be immediately removed by Public Safety.

Part 1: Types of Postings

The College permits the following types of postings within its buildings and in designated areas in accordance with this established policy and posting authorization process:

Subpart A: for Academic Postings

Bulletin Boards shall be provided for academic departments and programs for academic-related postings. As far as feasible, they will be located near the associated faculty offices and shall be used to provide information relevant to the discipline and College. The academic department is responsible for approval, placement and removal of all materials.

Subpart B: Employee Postings

Employees may, in accordance with this policy, place postings on campus for the purpose of providing relevant, college-related information and publicizing a college-related event. Employees must obtain approval from the Kopp Student Center Information Desk before placing any posting on campus,

Subpart C: Student Postings

Students may, in accordance with this policy, place postings on campus for the purpose of providing relevant, college-related information to the college community and publicizing a college-related or student sponsored event. Students must obtain approval from Kopp Student Center Information Desk before placing any posting on campus and must use appropriate bulletin boards.

Subpart D: General Information/Advertising

Employees, students and community members may utilize designated general-purpose bulletin boards on campus. Such bulletin boards shall be clearly identified as "Community Posting" bulletin boards and shall be available for advertising, information and publicizing community events.

Subpart E: Legally Required Postings

A bulletin board will be placed outside of Human Resources and will display legally required postings for the Human Resources and Legal Affairs departments. Each department will be responsible for posting their information and staying in compliance with Part 2 of this policy.

Subpart F: Union Postings

Bulletin Boards will be provided for each union. The union representative on campus will be responsible for posting the information on the bulletin board and for meeting the requirements for all college postings as set forth in Part 2 of this policy.

Subpart G: Temporary Notices

The College recognizes that it in order to do business, employees occasionally must post temporary notices on office or classroom doors, indicating changes, class cancellations, or office closings. Such postings must be made in a neat and orderly fashion and must not be posted in a manner which damages college property. Temporary notices must be removed immediately after their purpose has been served.

Part 2: General Regulations for Posting

All postings will conform to the following regulations:

  1. All postings, with the exception of General Information/Advertising or Temporary Notices, must be approved (signed, stamped, and dated) by the individual or department with responsibility as set forth in Part 1.
  2. Postings must include name of the sponsoring organization, department, and responsible individual with contact information.
  3. Postings must be placed on designated bulletin boards or permanent sign holders as provided by the individual or department with responsibility as set forth in Part 1. With the exception of temporary directional signs posted by approved campus offices, no materials are to be posted on walls, doors, glass, windows, columns, stairwells, railings, bathroom stalls, or any other permanent structure of college facility
  4. Materials must not violate college policy, Federal, State, or local laws.
  5. Event related materials may be posted two weeks in advance of the activity.
  6. Posted items are to remain within the perimeter of the bulletin board.
  7. Posted items shall be no larger than 8 ½ x 11 unless otherwise approved.
  8. Posted items should not cover any other posted material.
  9. Only one posting for the same event may be posted per board.

Part 3: General Regulations for Posting Removal

  1. Postings must be removed within 24 hours after the activity or event by the owner of the posting.
  2. Directional signs posted by approved campus offices must be removed within 24 hours of the event
  3. Informational items not posted within board perimeter will be removed.
  4. Informational items posted within board perimeter without authorization will be removed by the Facilities staff, Administration and/or Public Safety officers.

Part 4: Violation of Posting Policy

Repeated violation of the posting policy may result in revocation of posting privileges or disciplinary action.

Policy History:

Date of Adoption: Established prior to 2011 / Revised 11.13.18

Department Owner: Director of Auxiliary Services

Date and Subject of Revisions:

11.13.18 – entire policy revised to reflect current campus policies

01.04.2022 – updated language community posting language

Next Review Date: 2025