Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

2.10.1 Disability Accommodations

Related MnSCU Board Policy: 1B.4 Access and Accommodation for Individuals with Disabilities

Related MnSCU Board Procedure: 1B.0.1 Reasonable Accommodations in Employment Procedure

Purpose: Normandale Community College is committed to ensuring its programs, services, and activities are accessible to individuals with disabilities, through its compliance with state and federal laws. The system recognizes that individuals with disabilities may need accommodations to have equally effective opportunities to participate in or benefit from the system's programs, services, and activities.

Part 1: Definitions

Subpart A: An individual with a disability is a person who has a physical or mental impairment that materially limits one or more major life activities, and has a record of such an impairment, which means that a person has a history or has been classified as having a mental or physical impairment that materially limits one or more major life activities.

Subpart B: Documentation that substantiates a disability may include high school special education records (last IEP and last 3-year evaluation), or a report from a licensed psychologist or medical doctor substantiating the disability and its impacts on the student in an educational setting. A documentation form can be used by students to have completed by a professional that is available on the Normandale website at

Part 2: Process

Students who desire to receive disability services must follow a procedure in order for an accommodation plan to be implemented. Inquiries may be made to Normandale staff and faculty from students who desire to receive accommodations through the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) at Normandale Community College.

Subpart A: Students must make an appointment for an intake/interview, which can be done in person or via phone or email; meet with the Director of the OSD program; and provide documentation of their disability prior to or at the intake/interview.

Subpart B: The disability director will read the documentation and discuss with the student during the intake/interview how his or her disability impacts them in a college setting. From this discussion, an accommodation plan may be implemented, which would be in place as long as the student attends the college.

Procedure History:

Date of Adoption

Date of Implementation

Date and Subject of Revisions

Next Review Date