Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

4.8.1 Credentialing of Temporary Part-Time, Adjunct and Customized Training Faculty Teaching for Credit – Exceptions Procedure

Related MnSCU Board Policy: 3.32 College Faculty Credentialing

Related MnSCU Board Procedure: 3.32.1 College Faculty Credentialing

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to comply with MnSCU Board Policy 3.32 and Procedure 3.32.1 (Part 7, Subpart C, 2a-e, 3)

Part 1: Emergency staffing situations

Subpart A: A list of situations below indicates when there may be a need for an emergency staffing situation.

  1. Illness, accident, or death of a faculty member during the term, resulting in a faculty member being unable to finish teaching the course;
  2. A failed search for a faculty position, if the position has been advertised at least twice;
  3. Resignation of a faculty member immediately prior to start of a term; or
  4. Immediate deployment in the armed services.
    1. An individual may be hired no more than two consecutive semesters under this exception.

Subpart B: Pending Credentials

Individuals who are close to meeting the minimum qualifications may be hired for no more than two consecutive semesters under this exception.

Subpart C: Special Expertise

An individual with special expertise may be hired to teach specialized courses. There is no time limit on this exception.

Subpart D: Renowned Qualifications

An individual who has achieved exceptional status or recognition may be hired to teach appropriate courses in the field of recognition. There is no time limit on this exception.

Subpart E: Emerging Fields

An exception may be made in instances where the program area is so new that the educational preparation requirements and the occupational experience requirements are not yet clearly defined. This exception shall terminate when the system minimum qualifications are established.

Part 2: The College shall develop a process, mutually agreed to by faculty and administration, to implement the consistent application of the exception conditions under this subpart.

Part 3: Normandale Community College will hire temporary full-time faculty, adjunct faculty and customized training faculty teaching for credit who meet the MnSCU system-established minimum credentials unless there are unusual circumstances as described in exceptions a-e listed above.

Part 4: If one of the above exceptions occurs, the dean of the division, in consultation with the department chair, will identify an individual to teach the course or courses needed to provide the necessary curriculum for Normandale students. The dean will submit a written request to the president of the college asking for the exception, and the president will respond to the dean in writing. Copies of all correspondence will be filed with the Office of Human Resources, the office of Vice President of Academic Affairs, and the office of the dean requesting the exception.

Procedure History: May 1, 2013

Date of Adoption:

Date of Implementation:

Date and Subject of Revisions:

Next Review Date: