Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

4.1 Email and Internet Policy

Related MnSCU Board Policy:

Related MnSCU Board Procedure:

Purpose: To provide guidelines for appropriate use of electronic tools, email, and internet usage

Part 1: Electronic Tools

Normandale Community College provides a variety of electronic tools such as telephones, computers, facsimile machines, pagers, electronic mail (e-mail systems), Internet access and a browser for employees whose job performance would be enhanced by the technology. The college faces the challenge of making maximum use of the benefits of such tools, meeting legal requirements for access to information, and providing adequate protection for proprietary information. This policy, along with the procedures, governs access to and the appropriate use of this technology during time periods before and after work and during break periods by Normandale employees.

Part 2: Access

Employees access to and use of electronic tools such as e-mail and the Internet is intended for business-related purposes. Limited and reasonable use of these tools for occasional employee personal purpose that does not result in any additional costs of loss of time or resources for their unintended business purpose is permitted.

Part 3: Responsibilities

Normandale employees are responsible for appropriate use of e-mail and Internet access. They are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards when conducting college business and to follow the Code of Ethics and related State statutes applicable to executive branch employees.

An employee may use state time, property or equipment to communicate electronically with other person including, but not limited to, elected officials, the employer, or an exclusive bargaining representative under Chapter 179A, provided this use, including the value of time spent, results in no incremental cost to the state or results in an incremental cost that is so small as to make accounting for it unreasonable or administratively impracticable.”

Minnesota Statute 43A.39, Subd. 2 provides: “Noncompliance.”

“Any employee who intentionally who fails to comply with the provisions of Chapter 43A shall be subject to disciplinary action and action pursuant to Chapter 609.”

Policy History: Revised February 10, 2012

Date of Adoption: January 12, 1998

Date of Implementation:

Date and Subject of Revisions:

Next Review Date: 2015-16