Normandale Community College Policies and Procedures

7.1.5 Acquisition and Disposal of Sensitive IT Items Procedure

Related Minnesota State Board Policy: 7.3 Financial Administration

Related Minnesota State Board Procedure: 7.3.6 Capital Assets

Related Minnesota State Board Procedure: 7.3.13 Surplus Personal Property/Building Disposal

Related Normandale Community College Procedure: 7.1.4 Surplus Personal Property Disposal



To ensure compliance with Minnesota State Board Procedure 7.3.6 Capital Assets. The tagging, recording, disposal and reconciliation of sensitive IT items is a joint responsibility between Normandale’s IT department and the Purchasing and Contracts Office.

Part 1: Definitions: 


Sensitive equipment: Items that may contain sensitive data, are desirable, easily susceptible to theft, easily converted to personal use, or that could lead to a material loss or liability. Examples are:


  • Regardless of price:
    • cameras (including video recorders, but not security cameras)
    • cell phones
    • computers
    • external hard drives
    • laptops
    • portable devices (i.e., iPad, iPod, tablets, chrome books, etc.)
    • readers (i.e., Nook, Kindle, etc.)
    • servers
    • weapons


  • Other items that meet the definition of sensitive (may contain sensitive data, are desirable, easily susceptible to theft, and easily converted to personal use) that have a value of $2,000 to $9,999.


Part 2: Procedures for purchasing and tagging sensitive IT equipment

  1. Purchase order (PO) is created for the sensitive equipment, using Object Code 3006-Sensitive Equipment Purchased as Supplies.
  2. When the PO is processed, an Asset Tag(s) is generated by the Purchasing and Contracts Office and given to the PO creator in IT.
  3. When items are received, IT places the Asset Tag(s) on the items, ensuring the correct tag is placed each item.
  4. IT enters all required data, for each item, in the “Load EQ Inventory Template”.
  5. IT sends the Load EQ Inventory Template to the Purchasing and Contracts Office who reconciles the data with the invoices. If any discrepancies, the Purchasing and Contracts staff will contact IT for resolution.
  6. Once fully reconciled, the Purchasing and Contracts Office uploads the Load EQ Inventory Template data to the ISRS Equipment module.


Part 3: Procedure for sensitive IT asset maintenance

  1. When the asset owner or asset location changes, IT must submit that information to the Purchasing and Contracts Office by completing and submitting the “Load EQ Additions Template”.


Part 4: Procedures for sensitive equipment disposal

  1. IT will create a disposal log for all tagged items that need to be disposed of.  That log will include:
    • Asset Tag #
    • Serial #
    • Brief description of the item
    • Condition of item
    • Why item is being disposed
  2. IT items ready for disposal are stored in B1602, a locked room until such time as there are enough items to schedule a pick-up by the contracted disposal vendor.
  3. As items, for disposal, are added to the storage room, IT records them on the disposal log.
  4. Once there is a sufficient quantity of items, IT prepares the items for disposal.  To do this, they
    • Place item on pallet
    • Check the item off of the disposal log
    • Secure the items on the pallet
  5. IT reconciles/finds any missing items.  These are items that were entered on the disposal log but that no longer reside in the storage room.
  6. CIO or their designee approves the disposal log.
  7. IT schedules a pick-up with the contracted Vendor.
  8. The Vendor picks up the items and sends to IT a spreadsheet detailing the items they received.  This spreadsheet from the Vendor includes the Asset #, Serial #, description of item and what is wrong with it.
  9. IT reconciles the Vendor spreadsheet with their disposal log, to ensure all items that were received by the Vendor are accounted for by them.  If discrepancies exist, IT will contact the Vendor to resolve.
  10. Once the above steps are completed, IT will prepare the “Load EQ Disposal Template” and send to the Purchasing and Contracts Office.
  11. The Purchasing and Contracts Office loads the data from the Load EQ Disposal Template to the ISRS Equipment module, which removes the items from inventory.
  12. IT receives funds from the Vendor for the disposed equipment.  These funds are given to the Purchasing and Contracts Office who deposit it to an IT cost center.


Policy History:

Date of Adoption:  Not Available

Date of Implementation: Not Available

Date and Subject of Revisions:  September 2023, new title and number; updated format; reviewed for accuracy and current practice

Next Review Date: