2024-2025 Course Catalog

MATH 0991 Math Skills for College Algebra

MATH 0991 Math Skills for College Algebra (2 credits) is taught concurrently with MATH 1100 College Algebra (4 credits). Together, the classes support students without MATH 1100 eligibility in completing the topics covered in both intermediate algebra and college algebra in one semester.  Math Skills for College Algebra covers graphing and writing equations of lines; factoring and operations on polynomials; operations on rational expressions; exponent rules; simplifying radicals; calculator skills; and student success skills.  Students must complete MATH 0991 and MATH 1100 concurrently (corequisites).


2 cr


MATH 0630 (C/P or higher) or MATH 0601, MATH 0602, or MATH 0603 with mastery of sufficient topics or placement in MATH 0991, MATH 1020, MATH 1055, or MATH 1080


MATH 1100


Fall, Spring