2023-2024 Course Catalog

Normandale Faculty

Abavini, Mansoureh, Health, BS, Univ. of Minnesota; MS, Islamic Azad Univ.; MS, Western Illinois Univ.

Abel, Jeffry J, Engineering, MS, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State

Ahlgrim, Heidi, Dental Hygiene, BS, MEd, Univ. of Minnesota

Ahrens, Mark, Mathematics, BS, Illinois Institute of Technology; MS, Univ. of Waterloo

Alicea, Victor, Business, BA, Univ. of Connecticut-Storrs; MBA, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; JD, William Mitchell College of Law

Amjadi, KatayounArt, AFA, Normandale Community College; BFA, MFA, Univ. of Minnesota

Anderson, Jay, Psychology, BA, College of St. Benedict; MA, Univ. of Northern Iowa; PhD, Univ. of Utah

Anderson, Karen Rapp, Computer Science, BA, MS, Univ. of Minnesota

Anderson, Mark, English, BA, Macalester College; MFA, Hamline Univ.

Anderson, Niels, Business, BS, Valparaiso Univ.; MA, Webster Univ.

Andrusko, Marcus, Communication, BA, Univ. of Minnesota; MA, Bethel College

Armstrong, Linda, Health, BS, Ohio State Univ.; MBA, Univ. of Minnesota

Armstrong-Duarte, Aaron, Anthropology, BA, Hamline Univ.; MA, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Arslan, Mustafa, Mathematics, BS, Middle East Technical Univ., Turkey; PhD, Louisiana State Univ.

Assad, Lodanne, English

Bailey, JustinNursing, BSN Washburn Univ.-Topeka; MS, Fort Hays State Univ.

Baker, Elizabeth, Exercise Science, BA, Augsburg College; MA, Southern Methodist Univ.

Bamana, Gabriel, Anthropology, BS, Urbaniana Univ.; MA, PhD, Univ. of Wales

Barker, Philip, Chemistry, BA, Bethel College; MS, Univ. of Minnesota

Barrett, David, Exercise Science, AA, Normandale Community College; BA, Texas Lutheran Univ.; MEd, Southwest Texas State Univ.; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Bartell, Stephen, Biology, BA, MS, St. Cloud State Univ.

Bartholomay, Brian S, Psychology, BA, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities; MA Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities; MA Univ. of St. Thomas

Bayer, Janice, Reading, BS, Univ. of Delaware; MEd, City Univ. of Seattle

Beeman, Sarah, Spanish, BA, Univ. of Minnesota; MA, Univ. North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Belinco, Carina, Biology, BS, Univ. of Buenos Aires; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Beneke, Jim, Mathematics, BA, Northwestern Univ.; MS, Emporia State Univ.

Berner, David J., Geography; Geology, BA, Wittenberg Univ.; MA, Univ. of Colorado-Boulder

Bigalk, Kristina, English, BA, Drake Univ.; MAT, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato; MA, Florida State Univ.

Bissonett, Steven M, History, BA, Univ. of Minnesota-Morris; MA, St. Mary's Univ. of Minnesota

Bistodeau, KeithCommunications, BS, MA, North Dakota State Univ.; EdD, Hamline Univ.

Bland, Frances S., Advising and Counseling, BBA, MS, Univ. of Central Arkansas

Boda, KristinWorld Languages, BA, Gustavus Adolphus College; MS, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Bouchard, Jennifer, French, BA, St. Olaf College; MA, Univ. of California-Los Angeles

Brennan, DanielCommunications, BS, MFA, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato; MA, South Dakota State Univ.

Brick, Daniel, Mathematics, BA, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Brown, Matthew, Mathematics, BS, MS, Univ. of Minnesota

Bunge, Rosalie M., Library, BA, Hamline Univ.; MA, Univ. of Minnesota

Burch, Kurt, Political Science, BA, George Mason Univ.; MA, American Univ.; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Burgess, R. Thomas, Theatre, BA, Univ. of Wisconsin-Oshkosh; MFA, Univ. of Minnesota

Burnett, Allison, Geology, BA, Boston Univ.; MS, Syracuse Univ.

Burrow, MelanieHospitality Management

Byrd, Anne, Theatre, BA, Iowa State Univ.; MFA, Western Illinois Univ.

Byrd, Sean, Theatre, AA, Kilgore College; BFA, Stephen F. Austin State; MFA, Western Illinois Univ.

Cady, Annie, Theatre, BA, Simpson College; MFA, Theatre Design and Technology, Univ. of Minnesota

Canzanella, Linda, Philosophy, BA, MA, Univ. of Minnesota

Carey, Kristine, Nursing, BSN, Univ. of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; MSN, Univ. of Minnesota

Carlson, Debra L., Biology, BA, St. Olaf College; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Carlson, Ranae, Computers/Information Management, AA, Northland Community College; BS, Minnesota State Univ.-Moorhead; MA, Bemidji State Univ.

Carow-Shiebe, Cynthia, Health, BA, Univ. of St. Thomas; MS, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Center, AJ, Biology, BS, Univ. of Texas at Austin; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Chambers, Denise G., Reading, BS, MS, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Chouinard, Michael, Communication, BA, Concordia College; MA, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato; PhD, Florida State Univ.

Christopherson, Johan, English, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Cikanek, Korinne, Psychology, BA, Gustavus Adolphus College; MA, Univ. of Minnesota; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota-Duluth

Clemens, Katherine Frances, Physics, BSCE, North Dakota State Univ. Main Campus; MS, Univ. of Wisconsin-Platteville

Claycomb, Douglas J., Geography, BA, Mansfield Univ.; MS, Shippensburg Univ. of Pennsylvania; PhD, Texas A&M Univ.

Claycomb, Nancy, Sociology, BA, Bryn Mawr College; MS, PhD, Texas A&M Univ.

Clowes, Sarah, Reading, BA, Macalester College; MEd, Univ. of St. Thomas

Coate, Paul, Theatre

Coleman, Todd, Physics, BA, Wittenberg Univ.; PhD, Univ. of Wisconsin

Conroy, Alicia, English, BA, Mount Holyoke College; MFA, Bowling Green State Univ.

Contreras Sawyer, GinnyEnglish, BA, College of St. Benedict; MFA, Augsburg Univ.

Cooper, Kristen, Advising and Counseling, BA, St. Olaf College; MS, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Courteau, Michael Frederick, English, BA, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; MA, St. Mary's Univ. of Minnesota; MFA, Hamline Univ.

Cowmeadow, Randi, Spanish, BA, Univ. of St. Thomas; MEd, Bethel Univ.; MA, Univ. of Salamanca

Crawford, Jennifer, Mathematics, BS, MS, Univ. of Minnesota

Cronk, Katrina R.Communications, BA, MS, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Crouse, Brittany Karren, Education, AA, Minneapolis Community and Technical College; AS, Minneapolis Community and Technical College; BAS, Augsburg Univ.; MA, St. Thomas Univ.

Czerwiec, HeidiEnglish, BA, MFA, Univ. of North Carolina-Greensboro; PhD, Univ. of Utah

Dambroski, Hattie, Biology, BS, Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point; PhD, Univ. of Notre Dame

Daniels, BradArt

Darling, Daniel, English, BA, College of Wooster; MFA, Univ. of New Mexico

Davis, MichaelReading

Dean, Valerie, Advising and Counseling, BA, Washington Univ.; MA, Univ. of Minnesota

De La Mora, Teresa, Biology, BS, Univ. of Texas at El Paso; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Dempsey, Matthew, Mathematics, BA, University of St. Thomas; MA, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Dettmann, David, Sociology, BA, Pacific Lutheran Univ.; MS, Univ. of Nebraska at Omaha

Dickson, Carrie, Nursing, BSN, MS, Univ. of Michigan-Ann Arbor; DNP, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Dieterle, Natsuko, World Languages, MS, Univ. of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

Dillon, Loli, English, BA, MA, St. Cloud State Univ.

Doherty, Mary Ellen, Biology, BS, South Dakota State Univ.; MBS, Univ. of Minnesota

Dollins, Haley, Dental Hygiene, BS, MS, Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City

Donaho, Stephen, Philosophy, BA, State Univ. of New York-Plattsburgh; MA, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Dougherty, Dawne, Chemistry, BS, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Drahos, Cindy, Computer Information Management, BA, Univ. of Minnesota; Certificate, Educational Technology; MA, St. Mary’s Univ.

Dressen, MichikoWorld Languages

Druecke, Benjamin Charles, Engineering, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

DuBois, Aimee, Communication, AA, Rock Valley College; BA, Univ. of Wisconsin-Whitewater; MA, Central Michigan Univ.

Dufner, Sally JoCommunication, BA, Moorhead State Univ.; EDD, St. Cloud State Univ.; GC, Bemidji State Univ.; MAT, Bemidji State Univ.; MBA, St. Cloud State Univ.; MPA, Metropolitan State Univ.; MS, Minnesota State Univ.-Moorhead

Dunlop, Tony, Mathematics, BA, Bard College; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Dunning, Richard D., Geography; Geology, BA, Carthage College; MA, Michigan State Univ.; PhD, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison

Dykoski, Carolyn, Geology, BS, Univ. of Wisconsin; MS, Univ. of Minnesota

Eaton, MichaelNursing, AAA Shoreline Community College; BA Univ. of San Francisco; BSN, MSN, Wester Governors Univ.

Eckert, Bridget, HSMA, AA, Normandale Community College; BS, Univ. of Wisconsin-Stout; MBA, Univ. of St. Thomas

Eckman, Katie, Nursing, RN, MSN, Walden Univ.

Effertz, Angela, Exercise Science, BA, Univ. of Maine-Farmington; MS, Middle Tennessee State Univ. 

Eichberger, RyanEnglish, BA, MA, Norther Illinois Univ.; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Erickson, Jenny, Communication, BA, Univ. of Puget Sound; MA, Bethel Univ.

Esele, Ignatius, Mathematics, BS, MS, Univ. of Nigeria; MS, Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Evenson, Lavonne L., Advising and Counseling, BS, North Dakota State Univ.; MS, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Everett, Steve, Accounting; Business, BA, Metropolitan State Univ.; MBA, Univ. of St. Thomas

Fayon, Annia, Geology, BA, Boston Univ.; MS, Univ. of Texas–Dallas; PhD, Arizona State Univ.

Fingerson, Patrick, Mathematics, BS, MS, Univ. of Minnesota

Fisher, Ashley Louise, Art, BFA, Univ. of Northern Iowa; MFA, Arizona State Univ.

Fisher, Kari, English, BFA, Univ. of Nebraska; MA, Southern Illinois Univ.-Carbondale

Fitchett, LaylaEnglish

Fitzgerald, Michael, Psychology, PhD, Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Fitzpatrick, Bridget, Anthropology, BS, Rochester Institute of Technology; PhD, American Univ.

Flynn, ChristopherHistory, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Forsythe, Laurie, Biology, BS, Univ. of Minnesota; BS, MA, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Foster, Quincy, Computers/Information Management, BS, Rockhurst Univ.; MS, St. Mary’s Univ.

Foudray, Angela, Physics, BA, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; MS, PhD, Univ. of California-San Diego

Fox, Laura, Chemistry, BS, Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania; MS, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Frame, Robert, History, BA, MA, Univ. of Minnesota

Francis, SarahGeology, BA, Oberlin College; MS, Wester Washington Univ.

Frankenfeld, James W., Communication, BA, Univ. of South Dakota; MA, Univ. of Colorado-Denver

Freese, Shelly, Communication, BA, Univ. of Minnesota; MA, Univ. of Wisconsin-Superior

Friedrich, Alex, Economics, BA, Univ. of Georgia; MS, London School of Economics

Friend, Philip, Geography, BA, Carleton Univ.; MS Univ. of Alberta; PhD, Univ. of Waterloo

Fritsch-Churan, Kristi, Reading

Fritz, Dorie, Nursing, BSN, Augsburg College; MSN, St. Catherine Univ.

Fung Kee Fung, Carol, Chemistry, BS, Univ. of Florida, PhD, Univ. of Arizona

Gabler, Karen, Reading, BS, Univ. of Wisconsin; MA, Univ. of Minnesota

Garaad, Said YusufWorld Languages, BS, Metropolitan State Univ.

Garin, Kari, Nursing, BSN, Univ. of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; MS, St. Catherine Univ.

Garland, Paula J., English, BS, Northern Illinois Univ.; MA, Indiana Univ.-Bloomington

Ghebresilassie, Daniel, Mathematics, BS, Metropolitan State Univ.; MS, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Gichana, Vane KemuntoNursing, AS, Inver Hills Community College; BSN, MSN, Bethel Univ.

Gingery, David, Chemistry, BS, Montana State Univ.; MS, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Gingery, Nicole, Chemistry, BS, Univ. of Minnesota-Duluth; MS, Univ. of Minnesota

Gish, Adam, History, BA, MS, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Gonsar, Ngawang Y, Biology, BS, College of St. Scholastica; MS, Univ. of Minnesota-Duluth; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Gonzalez, Joan L., Nursing, BS, Univ. of North Dakota; MPA, Golden Gate Univ.

Grahek, Melissa, Reading, BA, Univ. of St. Thomas; MA, Hamline Univ.

Grant, Eric, English, BA, Luther College; MFA, Hamline Univ.

Greenfield, SoniaEnglish, BA, MA, San Francisco Univ.; MA, Univ. of Southern California; MFA, Univ. of Washington

Gronemann, Robert W., Music, BA, MM, Univ. of Minnesota

Grung, Bernie, Engineering Technology, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Guidry, Anne, English, BA, Carleton College

Gustafson, Karen, Art, BFA, Univ. of Minnesota; MFA, Univ. of Massachusetts-Amherst

Hakemian, Amanda, Chemistry, BA, Middlebury College; PhD, Northwestern University

Hakim Hashemi, MehdiMathematics, BA, MA, Shiraz Univ.; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Hall, Eric Robert, Physics, BA, Univ. of Minnesota-St Paul Campus; MS, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Hammer, Carl, Philosophy, BA, Univ. of Minnesota; PhD, City Univ. of New York

Hammerbeck, Mary, English, BA, Northland College; MA, Western Washington Univ.

Hanson, John R.Business, BA, BSEd, Minnesota State Univ.-Moorhead; MS, Northwestern Univ.; MBA, Univ. of Minnesota

Happ, Krista, Education, BA, Augustana College; ME, American College of Education

Hardin, Janice, Business; Computers/Information Management, AA, Kaskaskia Community College; BS, Southern Illinois Univ.; MBA, Univ. of St. Thomas; MS, St. Mary’s Univ.

Harlos, Paul W., Advising and Counseling, BS, Univ. of Wisconsin-LaCrosse; MEd, Univ. of Arizona

Harris, Sara, Dietetic Technology; BA, Univ. of St. Thomas; MPH, Univ. of Minnesota

Harrison, MatthewEnglish, BA, Georgia State Univ.; MA, Univ. of Washington; MFA, Univ. of Massachusetts-Amherst; PhD, Univ. of California-Irvine

Hatton, Meg, Reading, BA, Univ. of St. Thomas; MA Education, Hamline Univ.; Postsecondary Reading and Learning Certificate, California State-Fullerton; Teaching of Writing Graduate Certificate, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Hegman, Stephanie, Mathematics, BA, St. Olaf College; MS, Texas A&M Univ.

Heinsohn, Diane, English, AB, Cornell Univ.; MA, PhD, Univ. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Heisdorffer, Jamie Colleen Currell, Nursing, BA, Univ. of St. Thomas; BSN, Regis University; MPH, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Henry, Apryl, Mathematics, BA, Grinnell College; MA, Univ. of Minnesota

Herrboldt, Brooks, Economics, BS, St. Cloud State Univ.; MA, Colorado State Univ.

Hess, Jeffrey, Music, BA, Univ. of Wisconsin-Green Bay; MM, Univ. of Minnesota; DMA, Univ. of Minnesota

Hewitt, Ann, History, BA, Univ. of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; MA, Univ. of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; MED, Olivet Nazarene Univ.

Hill, Andrea, Mathematics, BA, CUNY Hunter College

Hoffman, Jaime Elizabeth, Philosophy, BA, Carleton College; MA, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Hogan, Theresa, Nursing, AS, St. Catherine Univ.; BSN, St. Catherine Univ.; MSN, Concordia Univ.-Wisconsin

Hommes, Dale, Computers/Information Management; Business, BS, MBA, Univ. of Minnesota

Houston, Rachael Belle, Political Science, BA, Coastal Carolina Univ.; MA, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Houtz, Elizabeth, Chemistry, BS, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Iredale, Lindsay, Geology, BS, Univ. of Calgary; MS, Univ. of Minnesota

Islam, Moni, Computer Technology, BS, Winona State Univ.; MS, Univ. of St. Thomas

Jaros, Marc, Music, BA, St. Johns Univ.; MM, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Johnson, Nancy, Health, MA, Univ. of St. Thomas; MA, College of St. Catherine; EdD, Argosy Univ.

Johnson, Thomas, Engineering Technology, BS, Univ. of Minnesota

Johnson, Tiray, Business, BS, Iowa State Univ.; MBA, Cleveland State Univ.; MAFM, Keller Graduate School; DBA, St. Mary’s Univ.

Johnson, Willie J., Communication, BA, Hamline Univ.; MA, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Johnson-Armstrong, Jolene Lois, Physics, BA, Gustavus Adolphus College; MS, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Jordheim, Krista, Dietetic Technology; Health, BS, North Dakota State Univ.; MPH, Univ. of Minnesota

Joy, AnnikaNursing, BA, St. Olaf College; MS, Univ. of Minnesota

Jurney, William M., Biology, BS, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Kaintz Anne, Chemistry, BS, Univ. of Minnesota; MS, PhD, Penn State Univ.

Kamara, Andrew, Economics, BS, Univ. of Sierra Leone, West Africa; MS, St. Cloud State Univ.

Karelse, Elizabeth, Music, BA, Royal Conservatory of the Hague; MALS, Hamline Univ.; DMA, Univ. of Minnesota

Kasahara, SusanPhysics, BS, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota 

Kashani-Legler, Rachel, Dental Hygiene, AS, Normandale Community College; BS, MS, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Kauwenberg-Marsnik, Adam G., Library, AA, Vermillion Community College; BS, Univ. of Minnesota; MLS, Rosary College

Kellogg, Deb, German, BA, Wartburg College; MA, Univ. of Iowa

Kemperman, Will, Music, MA, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison

Ketal-Opheim, CarrieBiology, AA, Bethany Lutheran College; BS, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; Ph.D., Univ. of Minnesota

Keyan, AhmedWorld Languages

Klages, Elizabeth, Political Science, BA, Carleton College; MA, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Klapoetke, Brianna Lyn, Mathematics, MS, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Klapoetke, Kevin, Physics and Mathematics, BS, Univ. of Wisconsin–Stevens Point; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Klegin, JulieDental Hygiene, AAS, Rochester Community and Technical College; BS, MS, Univ. of Minnesota

Klocek, Yvonne M., Art, BS, State Univ. College of New York; MFA, Rochester Institute of Technology

Klosa, Brian, Communication, BS, Central Michigan Univ.; MA, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Knutson, Holly, Dental Hygiene, BS, Dental Hygiene, Univ. of Iowa; MEd, Capella Univ.

Korkowski, Kurt, Engineering, BSME, MSME, MSMOT, Univ. of Minnesota

Kothari-Arslan, Reena, Mathematics, BS, Univ. of Mumbai, India; MS, Louisiana State Univ.

Kreutzer, Heidi, Spanish, BA, Augsburg College; MA, Middlebury College; JD, Univ. of Minnesota

Krook, Susan, Anthropology, BA, MA, PhD, Univ. of Colorado

Kruse, KristiMusic, BM, Univ. of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; DMA, MM, Univ. of Minnesota

Kurs, Howard M., Computer Science, BA, State Univ. of New York-Buffalo; MS, Penn State Univ.

Kurschner, James, Music, BME, Univ. of Wisconsin-River Falls; MM, Northwestern Univ.

Kuyper, Chad, Communication, BS, MA, MFA, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Lake, David, Psychology, BA, MA, Oberlin College; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Lakin, Gaio, Physics; Engineering, BA, Carleton College; MS, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Landers, AmyPsychology, BA, Mount Holyoke College; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Larsen, Carol R., Dental Hygiene, AAS, Kalamazoo Valley Community College; BS, MEd, Univ. of Minnesota

Larsen-Quinn, Deanna, English, BA, Hamline Univ.; MFA, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Lasswell, John, Engineering Technology, BS, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Lee, Kevin D., Computer Science; Mathematics, BS, MS, Univ. of Minnesota

Li, Xiaosheng, Mathematics, BS, Shanxi Normal Univ.; MS, PhD, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Loge, Erik, Mathematics, BS, MS, Univ. of North Dakota

Longley, Elizabeth J., Chemistry, BA, Hamline Univ.; PhD, Univ. of Pittsburgh

Louwagie, Nancy, Engineering Technology, BS, North Dakota State Univ., MS, Univ. of Minnesota

Lucke, Jennifer, Health, BS, Iowa State Univ.; MEd, Univ. of Minnesota

Luke, David, Art, BFA, Indiana Univ., Bloomington; MFA, Stony Brook Univ.

Mack, Brian, Art, BA, Univ. of Minnesota; MFA, Univ. of Florida

Mahbub, Rafid, Physics, MS, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Maltman, Thomas, English, BA, Eastern Washington Univ.; MFA, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Mamek, Lacey, Library, BA, Mills College; MLIS, St. Catherine Univ.

Mantravadi, Sarita, Mathematics, AA, Los Angeles Harbor College; BA, California State Univ.-Dominguez; MPH, California State Univ.-Long Beach; MS, California State Univ.-Los Angeles; PhD, Univ. of Texas

Mauch, Matt, English, BA, Briar Cliff Univ.; MA, MFA, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Meek, Anna, English, BA, Yale Univ.; AM, The Johns Hopkins University; MA, MFA, Indiana Univ.

Mein, Eric, English, BA, Univ. of Maryland, College Park; MFA, Hamline Univ.

Meka, Gautham, Computer Technology, BS, Univ. of Minnesota; MS, DePaul Univ.

Merrill, LibbyLibrary, BA, Augsburg Univ.; MSLS, St. Catherine Univ.

Miller, Jennifer, English, BA, Valparaiso Univ.; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Miller, Lisa, Business, BA, Univ. of Michigan; MA, Kingston Univ.

Miller-Chang, Yeng, Data Science, BS, Univ. of Wisconsin, Eau Claire; MS, Iowa State Univ.

Mills, Ann, Biology, BA, Univ. of Minnesota-Morris; MS, Minnesota State Univ., Mankato; MS, Univ. of Nebraska

Miskowiec, Miranda, Chinese, BA, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities; MAT, Southeast Univ.

Moe, Aaron, Music, BM, Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point; MM, Northern Illinois Univ.

Moniri, Mojtaba, Mathematics, BS, MS, Univ. of Tehran; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Monsos, Jennifer, Business, BAS, Winona State Univ.; MBA, MACC, Western Governors Univ.

Montero, Luis, Spanish, BA, MA, Salamanca Univ.-Spain

Mosher, Luke, Library, BA, Covenant College; MLIS, Valdosta State Univ.; MA, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Mubarek, Muhumed, Accounting, MS, State Univ. of New York-Binghamton

Muncy, Sarah, Biology, AA, North Hennepin Community College; BS, Winona State Univ.; MS, Univ. of Nebraska

Muro, Fusako, Japanese, BA, Gakushuin Univ., Tokyo; MA, Hamline Univ.

Mutiga-Waititu, Murugi, Health, BA, Gakushuin Univ., Tokyo; BE, Kenyatta Univ.-Nairobi; MPH, Univ. of Minnesota

Mytas, Angel Michelle, Psychology, BS, Univ. of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; MA, Univ. of Northern Iowa

Myers, Phyllis, Sociology, BA, College of St. Catherine, MS, PhD, Purdue Univ.

Nadkarni, Nitin N., Sociology; Business; Hospitality, Diploma/Post Diploma, Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, Bombay, India; MS, Univ. of Wisconsin-Stout

Nelson, Julie Lynn, English, BA, Central Univ. of Iowa; MFA, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Ness, Nikki, Mathematics, BA, MS, Univ. of Minnesota

Neymark, Millard, Chemistry, BS, Univ. of Michigan; MS, Univ. of Minnesota

Ngwendson, Julius, Chemistry, BS, MS, Univ. of Buea; PhD, Univ. of North Dakota

Norgard, Dan, Economics, BS, Univ. of North Dakota; MS, Univ. of North Dakota

Norton, Jack, History, BA, Wittenberg Univ.; MA, Univ. of North Carolina-Greensboro; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Oden, WadeMusic, BM, MM, Univ. of Minnesota

O’Donnell, Patrick, English, BA, MA, Univ. College Dublin, Ireland

Olsen, Jeffrey, Music, BA, MA, Univ. of St. Thomas

Olson, John M., Philosophy, BA, Gustavus Adolphus; MA, PhD, Purdue Univ.

Olson, Kaye, Computer Information Management, MEd, Univ. of Minnesota

Orsi, Lilliana, World Languages

Padron, Victor, Mathematics, BA, Univ. Central de Venezuela; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Patel, Ash I., Accounting; Business, BC, St. Xavier’s College, Calcutta, India; MBA, Univ. of Dallas

Pearson, Karri, Communication, AA, Normandale Community College; BA, St. Cloud State Univ.; MA, Bethel College

Peifer, Jill, Health, BS, MEd, Univ. of Minnesota

Peters, Sue, Psychology, ASN, Normandale Community College; BS, Augsburg College; PsyD Clinical Psychology, Minnesota School of Professional Psychology

Petersen, Joshua, Communication, BA, Winona State Univ.; MS, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Peterson, Jamie J, Psychology, BA, Winona State Univ.; MA, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Peterson, Penny, Nursing, BSN, Crown College; MSN, Walden Univ.

Peterson, Stacey, Psychology, BS, Wayne State Univ.; PhD, Florida Institute of Technology

Petrich, Linda, Sociology, BS, Oklahoma State Univ.; MA, Univ. of Minnesota

Plachejo, Alvaro, Economics, BS, Pontificia Univ. Catolica; MS, St. Cloud State Univ.

Polikowsky, Laura, Exercise Science, BS, Gustavus Adolphus College, MS, Univ. of Minnesota

Polzin, James J., Computer Science, BS, MS, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato

Popp-Cronin, Cynthia J., Nursing, BSN, College of St. Benedict; MSN, St. Catherine Univ.

Pottebaum, Kenneth, Physics, Engineering and Computer Science, BS, MS, Oklahoma State Univ.; PhD, Univ. of Texas

Pugliese, Samantha, Accounting, BS, MS, Univ. of Nevada

Pulling, Catherine M., French, BA, MA, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Rae, Jennifer Margaret, Psychology, BS, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato; MA, St. Mary's Univ. of Minnesota

Raetz, Lisa, Biology, BA, Gustavus Adolphus College; MS, Univ. of Illinois

Rafferty, Liam, Mathematics, BA, Univ. of Rochester; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Randall, Jamie Leigh, English, AA, North Hennepin Community College; AFA, North Hennepin Community College; BA, Augsburg College; MFA, Augsburg College

Rashid, A H A Zubayr, CSCI, BS, Southern Arkansas Univ.; MS, Univ. of North Texas

Red Feather, Janet, English, BA, Albright College; MA, Case Western Reserve Univ.; JD, Golden Gate Univ. School of Law

Reichard, William Joseph, English, BA, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities; MA, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Reid, Melissa, Reading, BA, MA, Bemidji State Univ.

Reigstad, Bridget V.Psychology, BA, St. Catherine’s Univ.; MS, Ph.D., Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Reigstad, Christopher, Biology, AA, Normandale Community College; BS, Univ. of Minnesota; PhD, Washington Univ.

Reimringer, John, English, BS, Univ. of Kansas; MFA, Univ. of Arkansas

Reini-Grandell, Lynette, English, BA, Carleton College; MA, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Reutter, Michael A., Biology, BA, Gustavus Adolphus College; MS, Florida State Univ.; PhD, Univ. of Florida

Robinson, Ruth, Chemistry, BA, Carleton College; PhD, Univ. of California-Berkeley

Rosenblum, Ava, Sociology; Women’s Studies, BA, Pennsylvania State Univ.; MS, PhD, Univ. of Oregon

Rosenblum, Mark, Health, BS, Colorado State Univ.

Rosenfeld, Nina, English for Academic Purposes, BA, Univ. of Rochester; MA, MFA, Bowling Green State Univ.

Rottach, Lazare, Art, BS, Concordia Univ.; MFA, Kansas State Univ.

Rude, Lisa, History, BS, Carrol College; BS, Sarah Lawrence College; PhD, Univ. of Maine

Ryan-Guest, Anne Marie, Economics, BS, MS, Univ. of Wisconsin-River Falls

Sabourin, Paul D., Geography, BA, Macalester College; MA, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Sandberg, Victoria, Biology, BA, JD, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Sarahbi, Sanam, Psychology, BS, Walden Univ.; MS, Walden Univ.

Satoh, Yoshio, Japanese, BA, Miyagi Univ. of Education, Miyagi, Japan; MA, Univ. of Minnesota

Schaaf, Tony, Biology, BAS, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Schenck, Shannon, Advising Counseling and Career Services, MA, Alfred Adler Institute of Minnesota; MFA, Hamline Univ.

Schmeling, TeriDental Hygiene, AAS, Rochester Community and Technical College; BS, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato; MS, Univ. of Minnesota

Segelbaum, AmyEnglish, BA, Indiana Univ.-Bloomington; MA, Univ. of St. Thomas

Seiford, Linda, Psychology, MS, PhD, Capella Univ.

Seth, Kiran, Biology, BS, Kanpur Univ.; MS, PhD, North Dakota State Univ.

Sharpe, Celeste, History, BA, California State Univ.-Bakersfield; MA, Univ. of Calgary; PhD, George Mason Univ.

Shelton, Ashleigh, Communication, BA, Univ. of Minnesota-Duluth; MA, Univ. of Minnesota

Shermak, Bill, Accounting, BA, Western Michigan Univ.; MEd, Arizona State Univ.; MBA, Capella Univ.

Skjei, Molly K., Art, BA, Univ. of Portland; MA, Univ. of St. Thomas

Sparrow, Cindy, Geography, AA, Normandale Community College; BS, Mankato State Univ.; MS, Mankato State Univ.

Steele, Derek D., Engineering; Physics, BSE, Univ. of Michigan; MS, Univ. of Arizona; PhD, Univ. of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Stenbom, JeffreyArt, AA, AFA, Normandale Community College; BS, BFA, Univ. of Wisconsin-River Falls; MFA, Tulane Univ. of Louisiana

Strayer, JessicaPsychology, BA, Bowling Green State Univ.; MA, Trevecca Nazarene Univ.; PhD, Capella Univ.

Stucki, Judith, Mathematics, BS, Minnesota State Univ.–Mankato; MEd, Univ. of Minnesota

Sundquist, Thomas, Mathematics, BS, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Supernault, Brandon, Hospitality Management, BS, State Univ. of New York at Plattsburgh; Graduate Cert., Univ. of North Texas; MS, State Univ. of New York, College at Buffalo

Sureshrajadurai, Salomie, Mathematics, BSc, Women’s Christian College, Univ. of Madras; MScEd. Univ. of Mysore; MEd, Annamalai Univ. India

Swanson, Emily, English, BA, St. Olaf College; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Swarsensky, Gerald, Accounting, BBA, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; JD, Univ. of Wisconsin Law School; LLM, New York Univ.

Thaden-Koch, Brooke, Sociology, BA, MA, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln

Thayer, Nicole Ashley, Psychology, BA, Univ. of St. Thomas; MA, Univ. of St. Thomas

Thelen, Gary, Economics, BA, Michigan State Univ.; MPA, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton Univ.

Tinucci, Helen, Nursing, BSN, Metropolitan State Univ.

Tix, Andrew, Psychology, BS, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Tix, Angela, Mathematics, BA, Grinnell College; MA, Univ. of Northern Iowa

Toland, Sarah, Education, BM, Louisiana State Univ.; MM, Univ. of North Texas; MAT, American Univ.; EdD, Shenandoah Univ.

Tura, Yisehak, Nursing, AS, Normandale Community College; BSN, Metropolitan State Univ.; MS, Minnesota State Univ.

Vrieze Daniels, David, Library, BT, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato; MSLS, St. Catherine Univ.

Wagner, Douglas, Sociology; Criminal Justice; Law Enforcement, BA, MS, St. Cloud State Univ.

Wanamaker, Carolyn, Chemistry, BA, Gustavus Adolphus College; PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Wang, Alex, English, BA, MA, Shandong Univ.; MA, Univ. of Minnesota

Ward, Ronald, Geography, AA, Inver Hills Community College; BA, Univ. of Minnesota; MA, PhD, Univ. of Georgia

Wardell, Eric, English, BA, Univ. of Minnesota-Morris; MA, West Virginia Univ.

Wasielewski, Amanda, Health, BA, MPH, Univ. of Minnesota

Wattman, Judith, Nursing, BSN, Univ. of Minnesota; MA, Bethel Univ.

Weatherby, Eileen, Nursing, BS, MB, MSN, Univ. of Alaska

Wells, Richard, Computer Science, AB, Carleton College; MS, Univ. of St. Thomas; MS, Emporia State Univ.

Wesolowski, Denne Jon, Physics, BS, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; MS, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities; MS, Univ. of North Texas

Weum, Lauren, Mathematics, BS, MS, ME, Univ. of Minnesota

Whillock, Rand, Engineering Technology, BA, MS, Univ. of Minnesota-Institute of Technology

White, Amanda, Theatre, BA, Truman State Univ.; MFA, Minnesota State Univ.–Mankato; MA, Columbia Univ.

White, Suzanne, Communication, BA, Minnesota State Univ.-Mankato; MS, Illinois State Univ.

Whited, Debra, English, BA, BAA, MA, Univ. of Minnesota-Duluth

Widenhofer, Jerry, Health, BA, Muskigum College; MBA, Ohio State Univ.

Wijesinghe, Kathy, Mathematics, BA, Augustana College; PhD, Univ. of Iowa

Winters, Adam, Health, BA, Upper Iowa Univ.

Wyant, Carissa, Philosophy, BA, Wellesley College; MA, Yale Univ.; PhD, Luther Seminary

Wyberg, Terrence, Mathematics, BA, BS, MS, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Zachman, MeganEducation, BA, Univ. of Minnesota-Morris; MEd, St. Catherine Univ.

Zank, Tracy, Anthropology, BS, Univ. of Wisconsin–Stout; MA, PhD, Univ. of Minnesota

Zarse, Stephanie, Dental Hygiene, MS, Univ. of Missouri; BS, Dental Hygiene, BS, Biological Sciences, Univ. of California

Zedingle, Ghidei, Mathematics, BS, MS, Addis Ababa Univ., Ethiopia; PhD, Lodz Univ., Poland

Zugay, BenjaminBusiness, BS, MBA, Carroll Univ.