2023-2024 Course Catalog

Part 3. Quantitative Measure of Progress (Completion Percentage and Maximum Time Frame)

Completion Percentage

All students are required to earn a minimum of 2/3 (66.66%) of their cumulative registered/attempted college-level (courses numbered 1000 or higher) credits. Grades of F, FN, FW, I, NA, NC, NW, W, Z and IP (or blank/missing) earned in college-level courses are treated as registered credits but NOT earned credits and thus negatively impact the completion percentage.

Spring 2020 withdrawals that occurred after the declaration of the pandemic state of emergency are marked on a student's transcript with "CV" and are excluded from the calculation of completion percentage.

Developmental courses (courses numbered below 1000) taken Fall 2021 and later are not counted in the calculation of the completion rate.


Percent of completion = cumulative earned credits / cumulative registered credits.

Maximum Time Frame

All financial aid recipients are expected to complete their degree/certificate at Normandale within an acceptable period of time. The maximum time frame for financial aid recipients is 150% of the published credit length of the program. Financial aid recipients may continue to receive aid through their cumulative registered credits that equal 150% of the required number of credits needed to complete their degree/certificate at Normandale.