2023-2024 Course Catalog

Tennessen Warning

Normandale Community College may ask students to provide information that includes private information under state and federal law for admissions, financial aid, disciplinary investigations, academic status or for other college information gathering.

Students are not legally required to provide the information Normandale is requesting and they may refuse to provide some or all of the information requested. However, Normandale may not be able to complete some transactions on students’ behalf if sufficient information is not provided.

With some exceptions, unless a student consents to further release of private information, access to this information will be limited to appropriate college officials.

However, federal and state law does authorize release of private information without a student’s consent to:

  • Other school officials, including Normandale faculty, who have legitimate educational interest in the information
  • Other schools in which the student is enrolled or seeks or intends to enroll
  • The federal Comptroller General or other federal, state or local education officials for purposes of program compliance, audit or evaluation
  • As appropriate in connection with the student’s application for or receipt of financial aid
  • The juvenile justice system, if the student is a juvenile and the information is necessary, prior to adjudication, to determine the juvenile justice system’s ability to serve the student
  • An alleged victim of sexual assault, if a student is the alleged perpetrator of the assault and the release is of the result of a disciplinary proceeding against the student related to the alleged crime
  • Student’s parents, if the student’s parents claim the student as a dependent student for tax purposes (Normandale has elected not to participate in this practice)
  • A court, grand jury, or state or federal agency, if the information is sought with a subpoena
  • An institution engaged in research for an educational institution or agency related to testing, student aid, or improved instruction
  • An accrediting organization in connection with its accrediting functions
  • Appropriate persons in connection with an emergency, if necessary to protect the student’s health or safety or the health or safety of others
  • If required by a court order, or permitted by other state or federal law.